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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Teaching Letter

Armed for Battle

The Roman Empire was one of the most powerful empires in history. Depictions of ancient Rome have lit up the screens of entertainment for decades with productions such as Masada (1981), Gladiator (2000) or even The Chosen (2017–present). From the Gallic wars of Caesar, the speeches of Cicero, monuments such as Hadrian’s Wall or the

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Steadfast to the End

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:58). This sage advice from the apostle Paul applies to each of us today. We live in perilous times of world history. Is your faith and walk

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Another Look at Acts 18

I was recently asked to teach on Acts 18. Whenever I am preparing to teach on a biblical text, the first thing I do is read through the text several times, usually using more than one Bible version. I also ask some questions. What was going on at that time? How would the original readers

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That I Might Know Him

The pages of Scripture are crammed with the accounts of patriarchs, prophets, kings and ordinary men and women who played extraordinary roles in the unfolding of God’s plans for humanity. Courageous Esther; faithful Abraham; shepherd King David and his Moabite great-grandmother Ruth; the disciple “whom Jesus loved” (John 13:23b); Mary of Bethany with her costly

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The Year of Refreshing in Him

On our Gregorian calendars, another new year is upon us, a leap year this time. That means 2024 brings one additional opportunity to enjoy God’s mercies, which are fresh and new every morning. Like other new years, many of us have taken the time to audit our lives a bit, looking back on 2023 and

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Light Will Overcome the Darkness

What is light? Essentially, light is the absence of darkness. Light is a thing, a source, but it becomes noticeable due to the action of pushing back darkness. In classic literature, light is often associated with truth, wisdom, correctness, morality, justice and ethics. Darkness, on the other hand, is equated to evil, wickedness, lewdness, corruption,

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No More Worthless Offerings

There is a lot of hopelessness in the world today. The people of Israel are reeling as the enemy, Hamas, slaughtered so many loved ones. We watched in horror as unbelievable atrocities were revealed. There is no one unaffected by the war, the increase in anti-Semitism and the increasing numbers of devastated families. Our hearts mourn

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The Tests of God

Tests are an inescapable and necessary fact of life. Can you imagine allowing anyone who has not proven that they know the rules of safe driving to have access to our roads as a driver? Or perhaps an even more extreme illustration…Who would allow a surgeon who had not mastered the required anatomy classes to

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The Extravagant Love and Mercy of God

The Bible is unique among books. It is not a book, it is the book; not a collection of the words and thoughts of men, but filled with the living words of the Creator of all things. When I became a believer, I read the Bible constantly. I consumed it, I drank it, I couldn’t

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The Prayer of Hezekiah

When the Assyrian King Sargon II destroyed the northern kingdom of Israel in 722 BC, the southern kingdom of Judah must have been terrified. To hear the reports of chained captives led away to distant lands, the cities burning and the ground littered with corpses must have been horrifying. Moreover, it wasn’t long before flocks

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