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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Teaching Letter

Spy It Out

When you think of spies, you might think of wartime or perhaps the last spy novel you read. Israelis might think of famous spies like Eli Cohen (Our Man in Damascus) or the famous Aaronsohn family that formed part of Nili, a ring of Jewish spies working for the British in World War I. If

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Be Anxious For Nothing

No matter where we live, there is beauty to be found. We may have to search for it, but it is there. God has made everything beautiful in its time, the Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us. The whisper of the wind, the voice of a friend, birdsong in the morning—He has made beautiful things. The heavens

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The River and the Sea

If someone were challenged with the task of choosing the greatest miracle found in the Bible, no doubt many people might settle on the splitting of the Red Sea and the Israelites crossing on dry land. The sheer drama of the miracle is astounding. Estimates easily put the Israelite population at between 1.5 to 3

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The Moses and Elijah Connection

When we mention Moses and Elijah, most Christians remember the transfiguration of Jesus (Yeshua). We read the account in Matthew 17:2–3, “And He [Jesus] was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as the light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him”

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Deborah—One of God’s Prophetesses

Throughout the Bible and Christian history, God has raised up leaders, pastors, apostles and prophets. They are individuals who are called and anointed by God for their specific time and place. I am thankful for the many godly spiritual leaders who God has placed in my life. The majority have been men. There are also

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“Behold, the Days Are Coming”

It’s that wonderful time of year again when the seasons are beginning to change and Passover is just a few short weeks away. Jewish families all over the world will soon begin their preparations for one of Judaism’s most celebrated holidays, cleaning their homes from top to bottom. There was a time when spring-cleaning was

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Building a Dwelling

Each week, we join the Jewish world in reading the Torah (Gen.–Deut.) portion. The readings are divided in such a way that the entire Torah is read in a year. Jesus (Yeshua) and the disciples were well versed in the Torah and quoted from it frequently. I am not sure how you can understand the

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I recently had the privilege of participating in a Bible study focused on the concept of citizenship. The discussions were fascinating as we explored our understanding of what it means to be a citizen of a country, of the world and of heaven. However, when the study was over, I felt we had scarcely scratched

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Jesus Cares About Prayer Part 2

Last month, I wrote about some of the things Jesus (Yeshua) taught about prayer. In this teaching letter, we will continue this study. Teach Us to Pray One of the disciples came to Jesus (Yeshua) asking Him to teach them to pray (Luke 11:1). What followed was the prayer that has come to be known

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Jesus Cares About Prayer

One of the most important sermons preached by Jesus (Yeshua)—and the first recorded in Scripture—is the Sermon on the Mount. During this sermon, Jesus talked about prayer several times. Although many other portions refer to Jesus’ teaching on prayer, this teaching letter will look at prayer in Matthew 5 and 6. The Sermon on the

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