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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Teaching Letter

The Heartbeat of Jerusalem: The City of David

Located south of the Temple Mount, below the Old City in Jerusalem, is the most archaeologically excavated site on earth, the City of David. Most tourists to Israel add a short visit to the City of David to explore Hezekiah’s Tunnel and the Pool of Siloam. However, most do not realize that the City of

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The Prophet Joel—Relevant Today

In our Bible reading program this month we are reading the Minor Prophets. In Hebrew, these twelve smaller books of prophecy are called trei asar, which simply means the 12 prophets. These are the biblical prophets of the smaller books. The Major Prophets are Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Prophets in Bible Times What was the

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Sons and Daughters of the Covenant

I sat in the conference listening intently to a very dear Orthodox Jewish friend address us Christians and share his heart about Jewish–Christian relations. This is a man who loves God passionately and has literally dedicated his life to building sincere and respectful friendships between his faith community and mine. He spoke of his time

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Serve the Lord with Gladness

At the end of our devotional time in the morning at the Bridges for Peace office in Israel, someone will say, “Serve the Lord with gladness.” This is a direct quote from Psalm 100, which is a beautiful psalm of thanksgiving. In this teaching letter, I want to take a deeper look at Psalm 100

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Hearing the Invisible

The Voice How often have you heard Christians commenting on what they understand as a lack of faith displayed by the Israelites? The question often is: “How could they have been so unbelieving after all they had seen?” After all, they had just witnessed the gods of Egypt defeated by the God of heaven. They

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Learning from King Solomon

When a leader fails, it is always a painful and tragic event. We have often seen the damage it causes in the political and business worlds. But for us as Christians, it is even more difficult when it is a spiritual leader. How is it possible that one whom we have learned from and whose

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Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant

Along with the rest of the world, we watched in horror as the simmering tensions in Ukraine erupted into the most brutal ground battle in Europe since World War II. We’ve agonized over the news of civilians perishing as missiles strike apartment buildings and prayed for a swift end to the violence. Here in Israel,

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The God Who Speaks

For many Christians, the events which culminated in the Israelite Exodus from Egypt and the thunder of Sinai may bring images to mind of Charlton Heston as Moses or inspire awe at the magnitude of the impressive display of thunder, rushing wind and fire enveloping the mountain. Or perhaps what captures our focus is how

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Love: Setting the Record Straight

The fall festivals have passed, and the spring holidays are yet to come. The Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication) candles have burned their last, and sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts eaten during Hanukkah) have disappeared from the shelves, adding pounds to delighted Jewish people the world over. Christmas decorations are packed away, carols won’t be sung until next

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Questioning God

Life can be tough. We only have to look back over the last two years of life on planet Earth to realize that circumstances in this world can overwhelm us. Loss, sickness, uncertainty, pain and oppression will inevitably come upon us as we navigate through this fallen world. As believers in Jesus (Yeshua), we are

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