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Tears and the Faithfulness of God

Teaching Letter

Gems from Genesis

Recently I embarked on what may be a lifelong project. I want to write a short devotional for every chapter in the Bible. While I think this is mainly for me personally as part of my devotional time with the Lord, I wanted to share my thoughts for the first six chapters in Genesis with

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As I was praying about what to write in this teaching letter, I felt the Lord impress on my heart one word: peace. Songs began to flow into my mind. “When peace like a river…” “Peace, peace, wonderful peace…” “Shalom aleichem…” “Shabbat shalom…” “All we are saying, is give peace a chance…” Christian songs, Jewish

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Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue

How would you define social justice? We hear about it often in the media, but do we really know what it means? What is the biblical view of justice? Here is a hint—it is very different from what the world calls “social justice” these days. One of the Hebrew words for justice is tzedek (צֶדֶק).

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Blessed to Be Threshed

Thinking back to the turn of the new year, prophetic voices from across the Christian spectrum were encouraging their audiences to look forward to a year of spiritual clarity and breakthrough. Sayings like “2020—Year of Plenty” and “20/20 Vision” were commonplace on social media feeds. As the year draws nearer to a close, the catchy

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The Freedom of Forgiveness—Part 2

In the ancient world, prior to our story of Joseph, forgiveness was an unknown concept. Experts in the writings and social customs of ancient civilizations agree that true forgiveness did not exist prior to Joseph’s remarkable act of mercy. Ancients certainly had societal norms that made existing with one who had wronged them possible, but

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Loving God—the Cost and the Benefit

Do we love God for who He is or for what He does for us? Certainly, this is a question I ask myself frequently. It is an important question. Earlier in my walk with the Lord, I questioned His goodness because dear family members had not been healed. I couldn’t understand how a loving God

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All Things for Good

As much as we wish it were not so, there is much in our lives today that is simply not good. Natural disasters, deadly pandemics, drug addiction, abortion and child abuse, to name just a few, are atrocities that plague our modern world. Perhaps that is why some consider Romans 8:28 to be the most

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What is God Saying in Our Time of Crisis?

This winter Israel has been very blessed with abundant rain—far more than in an average year. The rainy season was actually miserable. It was a cold, damp winter. It seemed never ending. We experienced floods, and several people died. Yet as spring arrived, we were awed to see the abundant wildflowers covering the Land. Nothing

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Faith that Pleases God

Sometimes as Christians we forget that we have our own vocabulary, using terminology that can leave our non-Christian friends scratching their heads and wondering what we are talking about. Recently, I have come to realize that they are not the only ones who are sometimes confused by our jargon. There are many words in our

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Righteousness → Peace → Joy

Do you want more joy in your life? Have you been longing for a deeper sense of peace? The Scriptures give us a clue of where to find both. In our Christian tradition we have the concept of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. It comes from Romans 14:17, which says, “For the

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