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Never Again Is Now

Teaching Letter

Celebrating 70 Years of Faithfulness

Israel is certainly no stranger to streets full of revelers, dancing and singing with abandon, rejoicing over God’s blessings. Each year on Yom Ha’atzmaut (Independence Day) and Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day), thousands of people sing and dance the night away, thanking God for His gift of a homeland. But no festivities, past or future we

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Cities of Refuge

The Torah (Gen.–Deut.) and Tanakh (Old Testament) are full of examples of the revolutionary laws and system of justice given to the Hebrew people. Compared to other laws and codes of the time—Hammurabi’s Code, the Middle Assyrian and Babylonian lists to name a few—the Torah offered a system of justice that prioritized human life more

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Joshua: Faithful Warrior

Compared to the Hebrew Scriptures, the Writings of the Apostles (New Testament) contain little about warfare and battle. Yet tucked away in Hebrews 11, “Hall of Faith” chapter, we find this roster of Israel’s illustrious war heroes: “And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak

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Our Father

Repeatedly Jesus/Yeshua used the term “Father” to refer to God Almighty. According to Eric von Atzigen, “Jesus traveled and taught for three years. There are about 110 pages in the Bible dedicated to His ministry and message. We have approximately 25,000 words that Jesus spoke recorded in the Bible. Of those 25,000 words, Jesus taught

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Moses’ Final Blessing, The “Lost” Chapters of Deuteronomy

Several years ago I had the privilege of writing a book for Bridges for Peace attempting to introduce Christian readers to the daily and weekly reading of the Torah (Gen.–Deut.), supported by a daily Christian devotion. That book is titled Sinai Speaks, and it is available through Bridges for Peace offices around the world. In

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Ambassadors and Intercessors

We are in a time in world history when the confrontation between the forces of good and evil, light and darkness, seems more pronounced than ever before. Recently a major think tank, The Institute for Economics and Peace, published its annual Global Peace Index. Their less than surprising conclusion was, “The world is becoming a

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Unlocking the Power of Psalm 103

Psalm 103—a Psalm of David 1Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! 2Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: 3Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, 4Who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and

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Jerusalem, the Place God Chose

Jerusalem! The very name evokes an emotional response. Teddy Kollek, mayor of Jerusalem for nearly three decades, once said, “Everybody has two cities, his own and Jerusalem.” No one is indifferent to Jerusalem—one loves her, hates her, or is fascinated by her. No matter where I travel, I meet people who ask what it is

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The Approval of God

Men and women of faith have always yearned for the approval of God. We try to gain His approval through righteous acts, piety and religious expression. We build beautiful buildings in His honor. Our spiritual leaders speak eloquent messages teaching us the way to God. Many try to become perfect. Others recognizing their inability to

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Our Hearts in Unison with His

Have you ever met anyone who really did not like to sing? It’s a rare occurrence. The vast majority of people enjoy singing, whether before a group of people or in front of the bathroom mirror, with a choir or in the shower. We sing in the car, we sing while we work, we sing

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