Many of Israel’s population have never climbed out of the pit of poverty. They came as new immigrants with nothing. Many who arrived in the early days of the State lived in maabarot (tent cities), sometimes for years, before moving into sub-standard walk-up apartments. We meet families who are now in the third and fourth generations of poverty. These families have little or no hope for a better future for their children. The costs of providing an education for their children is simply out of reach for those who don’t know how they are going to fill their stomachs. How can a parent think about buying school books or paying for tutors when they can’t even provide the basics of life? This is the condition of the families we assist through the Feed a Child Program.
Over four years ago, we started a program to reach out to children with the hope that, with help, they could receive a good education and have hope for a bright future. The children who are sponsored by Christians receive a hot meat every day at school, school books (not free in Israel), school supplies, school uniforms (when required), go on all school outings, and receive tutoring when needed. We are thrilled to see that this program is making a difference. Let’s take a peek into the lives of two children on our program.
Naama and Hofit (right)
Hofit Fadida (age 12) is a grade six pupil being sponsored on the Feed a Child Program. Recently, she was a runner-up in the 2010 Beit Shemesh Bible quiz for schools. The Bible quiz is held in the city annually just before the festival of Pentecost (Shavuot in Hebrew). “I love Bible” said Hofit, “I especially like the books of Samuel and Kings. I like reading about all the kings and their stories and adventures, but my favorite person from the Bible is Elijah because of his loyalty to G-d. I especially like reading over and over again the story of Elijah and the widow.”
How do you prepare for a Bible competition? “We had lots of reading to do, and we took lots of mock tests,” said Hofit and her friend Naama. “Living in Beit Shemesh, we see the Bible all around us. From our school, we see where Samson was born. Wherever we drive around, we see the stories of the miracles of the Bible all around Beit Shemesh: David and Goliath, the return of the ark from the Philistine captivity.”
“I don’t know what made me go into the competition, but the last couple of years, I really began to enjoy Bible classes,” said Hofit. Asked if she will go into future Bible competitions, Hofit gave an emphatic “yes!”
Elimelech sits beside his father.
Our program is not just about the child, but the whole family because of the financial relief it provides. This is especially true in Elimelech’s story. In Hebrew, Elimelech’s name means “My L-rd is King.” When this quiet, nine-year-old Ethiopian boy with sad brown eyes first started on the Feed a Child Program, he wasn’t running around, making noise, and playing ball games with the other children. Instead, he stood alone in a corner. Though the school psychologist explained that he was a good student and friendly, it was admitted that occasionally he became withdrawn.
On a home visit, school officials found the 600-square-foot (56-square-meter) apartment sparsely furnished. During conversation with Elimelech’s father, Malak, the story of the family’s aliyah (immigration) emerged. Malak’s family was from a tiny village “an eight-hour walk from the town of Gondar.” They left their village with faith and the desire to go to Jerusalem. After reaching Gondar, they met with Jewish Agency emissaries and were taken to the capital city Addis Ababa. For eight years, Malak, his parents, and sisters waited and prayed until the permission arrived from Israel.
During this time, the family learned about modern Judaism, as they had been cut off from the rest of Judaism since before the destruction of the First Temple. They were taught to read and write in Amharic and began to learn Hebrew. Malak met a young woman, was married, and began to learn a trade. He showed a natural artistic talent and began to learn embroidery. Soon, they were expecting a baby. Unfortunately, Malak’s wife died giving birth to a healthy baby boy, and Malak was left alone with Elimelech. Malak’s parents died a short while later, and as the eldest and only son, Malak was left alone to also provide for his sisters.
After arriving in Israel, Malak and Elimelech stayed for two years in an absorption center before moving into an apartment in Beit Shemesh. It was very difficult for Malak to raise his son while earning a living and doing all the house work. With the trade he learned in Addis Ababa, he was able to embroider cushions, prayer shawl bags, and Sabbath bread covers.
When Malak learned that Elimelech was chosen to be on the Feed a Child Program, tears of joy fell down his face as he realized that a burden has been lifted off his shoulders. Three months after Elimelech was added to the program, Malak met and married a woman with a nine-year-old boy. Now, Elimelech’s big brown eyes are no longer sad.
Giving charity is an important element in both Christian and Jewish tradition. The Jewish sage, Maimonides, also known of as the Ramban, said that the highest form of giving is that which enables the recipient to become self-sufficient. When you sponsor a child on the Feed a Child Program, you are helping them to reach that place of self sufficiency. You are giving them a brighter future!
You can put a smile on a child’s face and give them the educational opportunities that most of us take for granted. You can make sure they have good food to eat and a clear mind to apply themselves to their studies. If you cannot make a monthly commitment, any size gift would be appreciated and will be used to improve classroom equipment, playgrounds, and other needs of the schools.
“Defend the poor and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy; free them from the hand of the wicked” (Psalm 82:3–4).
Blessings from Jerusalem,
Rebecca J. Brimmer
International President and CEO
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