I have traveled extensively in Canada, the US and the UK in the past couple of months, sharing the message of God’s love for Israel with Christians and sharing the message of Christian support for Israel with the Jewish community…
…It is truly a joy to be part of this ministry that God has brought into being for this unique time in history. This is the time when God is fulfilling His prophetic word, bringing the Jewish people home to Israel from all over the world. And this is also the time that God chose for us to be alive. As His children, we need to be asking ourselves how He wants us to be involved in His end-time action plan.
These are shaky times. Everyone I talk to, from the Christian sitting in the church pew to the secular pro golfer-turned-businessman sitting next to me on the plane to the waitress in the restaurant, are anxious. Their conversations and questions reveal deep concern about the future. “Will I keep my job?” worries the waitress. “Should I buy gold?” said the church leader. “I’m moving half my funds out of the country,” said the businessman.
God has a plan to take care of His children. His plan is radically different from the natural point of view. In God’s economy, He blesses those who give to the hungry. The prophet Isaiah talks about this: “If you extend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light shall dawn in the darkness and your darkness shall be as the noonday. The LORD will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water; whose waters do not fail” (Isa. 58:10–11).
In Genesis 12:3, God promised Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you…” The prime minister of Canada, Steven Harper, is a born again Christian who has steadfastly supported Israel. Interestingly, Canada has been much less affected by the worldwide financial recession than other countries. John Howson, Bridges for Peace National Director for Canada, believes there is a direct correlation between those two facts.
Psalm 122:6 promises God’s blessing to those who “pray for the peace of Jerusalem,” that they “may prosper who love you.” In Matthew 25:34–46, Yeshua (Jesus) says that the nations will be judged by how they treat those in need. Those nations blessed to be on His right hand are told, “Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me”(vv.34–36). He then goes on to say that whenever we do these things for “the least of these My brethren, you did it for Me”(v. 40). I cannot find a single place where Yeshua called non-Jews “brethren.” I believe in this passage, He is saying that whenever we help His Jewish brethren, we are helping Him.
God’s economy is certainly different from the world. In these times of shaking, there is a place of security for those who invest in God’s economic plan. Giving to the poor, feeding the hungry, blessing the children of Abraham, and caring for the least of the brethren of Yeshua, these are all investments in God’s economy. He promises that those who do these things will be blessed by Him.
Every month, Bridges for Peace, with the help of our many Christian supporters around the world, is feeding the hungry, blessing the people of Israel and praying for the peace of Jerusalem. 27,000 Israelis received food from us this month (and every month). They live in 54 communities in Israel from north to south and east to west. Many of them are immigrants struggling to find their footing in their new homeland.
We often receive thanks from recipients in Israel, but recently while in Denver for a conference, we were surprised when one of our representatives met an Israeli at the mall who had received a parcel from Bridges for Peace in a time of great need. He enthusiastically thanked her over and over again for the blessing he received from Christians.
A rabbi that distributes food from Bridges for Peace recently blessed us saying: “We pray that Hakadosh Baruhu (the Holy One Blessed be He) will send you and your families a blessing and success in all your actions and will open before you His abundantly good treasures. Like it is said, ‘Great charity brings geula [salvation].”
Some we help are truly in very desperate circumstances. Nurit, a mother of five, is a hard worker but when her husband left her, she could not continue to care for the youngest three and had to put them in a special boarding school for the poor. When her husband promised to help and she brought them back home, he did not help. “The girls found it very difficult to concentrate at public school; they were hungry and cried…There were times I did not even have bread or milk for them. The school principal’s wife would send sandwiches for them at school for lunch sometimes, “ Nurit told us.
At one point, the three girls were so hungry, they stole some food. This is when Nurit turned to Bridges for Peace. “The moment I stepped into the food bank center, I felt a peace that even my doctor can’t provide with all the medicine. I left home that day with an empty fridge. When I returned, I had a cart on wheels full of food, fruits, dry food, ground beef, toilet paper, and some gifts for the girls…and hope. I see that the Christians are having compassion on Israelis who have need. They listened to me and went out of their way to find a way to help me…I have experienced the love and compassion through the food and warm embrace, and today I see you with different eyes…You accepted me without condemnation or shame. I feel that everybody that works there is sent by God. I am so grateful to God for you, and I thank everyone.”
How thankful we are to be helping 27,000, but when we consider the numbers living in need, it seems like a drop in the bucket. Please pray with us that God will increase our food budgets to help us expand the program to feed many more people. Join us in feeding the needy in Israel. Any size gift will help us share the love of God with those in need. As you do, I believe you will see that investing in God’s kingdom, based on firm promises in His Word, is investing in a sure thing! May you experience the blessing of the Lord today.
Blessings from Jerusalem,
Rebecca J. Brimmer
International President and CEO
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