I love the words of Jesus in John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” In the midst of troubling times, uncertain futures, sickness and want, our hope is in our Lord.
In the book of Exodus, we read of a dark time for the Israelite people. They had been favored in Egypt because of Joseph, but a new leader arose who didn’t know about Joseph and didn’t care about him. He enslaved the people, treated them cruelly and then attempted to kill all the newborn boys. Fortunately, God raised up two midwives who refused to kill the babies. These God-fearing midwives made decisions for righteousness that saved many lives, including the life of Moses, who became one of the greatest biblical leaders. Were their hearts troubled by the risks involved? Were they troubled by the terrible situation? Probably, but it didn’t stop them from doing what was right. This has challenged my thinking. How am I reacting to the difficult times we live in? What am I doing today that has eternal implications? Which decisions am I making that can save lives?
As we move around in Israeli society, we are seeing an increase in depression. Many have lost hope as they lost loved ones, jobs and security. Suicides have increased. Those in the lower income brackets have become desperate. Elderly people are lonely. Immigrants can’t find jobs.
Jesus also said: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). When times are dark, light shines brighter. Now is the time for all followers of the Lord to act with His character and lovingly reach out with practical assistance to those who suffer around us. At Bridges for Peace, this is our heart. As we provide food to the needy and computers to children who must join their classes virtually, care for the elderly and lend assistance to those making aliyah (immigration to Israel), we are aware that our attitude is vitally important.
Last month we helped 250 Bnei Menashe (Sons of Manasseh) immigrants come home to Israel from India. Now we will help with their needs as they are established in their new land. Other immigrants we helped are arriving from the lands of the former Soviet Union and even South America.
Alexei and Olga made aliyah with their sons, Deniel and Nik, in the midst of the pandemic. They are a young family. Alexei is a businessman and they had a good life in Ukraine. After visiting relatives in Israel, they fell in love with this country. Alexei says, “The quarantine, which was announced in March, helped us to make our decision on repatriation. After the borders with other countries were closed, we were ‘stuck’ in Kiev without the opportunity to travel as we used to. So, this departure is a salvation for us—we don’t plan to return to Ukraine. Project Rescue helped us collect the necessary documents before our consular check and gave us a lot of advice. They also took us to the airport with all our luggage. It’s amazing to us that there are people who help others these days. I am in business and I know that we do everything for profit. But you do good things for no payment and for me this is a real miracle! I’m used to being asked for money everywhere and no one has ever offered me any help before. Thank you so much for your care. Thanks for treating us with such warmth, sympathy and understanding. After experiencing this, I also have the desire to help others in need!”
Our good deeds have brought light to this family.
We can choose to wring our hands and worry as we see events around us, or we can choose to react with faith in God evidenced by righteous action. The midwives Shiprah and Puah chose life and through their action, Moses’s life was spared. He went on to lead the people from bondage to freedom. Every righteous action has the same potential for far-reaching benefit and blessing. Let’s choose to show God’s love to those who are troubled, who are needy and lonely. Through our work in Israel, God’s light is shining in the darkness.
We are only able to do this because you are partnering with us. Requests for assistance are increasing. People need food. They also need to know that they are not alone. Your gift, small or large, is a blessing that brings life, love and hope to the people of Israel.
We are praying for you that you will experience God’s love, protection and encouragement today. Let not your heart be troubled!
Blessings from Israel,
Rebecca J. Brimmer
International President and CEO
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