Recently, the worldwide senior team of Bridges for Peace, including board members, national directors, and international senior team members, spent an extended time in prayer together seeking God for His direction and priorities for the ministry. It was a powerful time of prayer and submission to the Almighty.
The Lord confirmed to us that our priority in these ominous days is feeding: feeding the nation of Israel with food through our food bank and feeding the Church with the truth from Jerusalem. We are currently giving 50 tons of food each month to feed the people of Israel. Our education efforts are touching thousands around the world as we send forth the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem. The Lord also showed us that through our network of volunteers in Israel and our representatives around the world, the relationships we are building between Christians and Jews will have a significant eternal impact for the Lord.
The prophet Ezekiel talked about these days. He foretold the restoration of the Land (Ezekiel 36). It has happened. Israel has gone from being a treeless, desolate place with malaria-filled swamps in the north and a desert in the south to a land of great beauty with over 400 million trees. He told of the return of the Jewish people (Ezekiel 36–37, 39). It is happening. The Jewish people have come home to Israel from over 100 nations of the world.
Ezekiel also speaks about an ominous invasion by Gog of the land of Magog (identified by Jewish and Christian scholars as the land of Russia) and her confederates, including Persia (modern-day Iran), Libya, Ethiopia, and other nations of the region. Notably missing from the list are the two countries that Israel has a peace treaty with, Egypt and Jordan. Watching the news is like reading the book of Ezekiel. Currently, Russia, Iran, and others are aligning themselves together against Israel. Such an attack is a terrible thing to contemplate. However, in Ezekiel 38 and 39, the prophet proclaims that God will come to Israel’s aid with a great earthquake, rain, hailstones, pestilence, and fire and brimstone. Thank God that He cares for Israel and will rescue them, although the rescue also sounds alarming.
Preparing for Times of Tragedy
Bridges for Peace has been created by the Lord to be a part of restoring the Land (by planting trees by the thousands), assisting the Jewish people in coming home (through Project Rescue), helping the immigrants become settled (Adoption Program, Welcome Program, and Feed a Child Project), and now the Lord is impressing on us the importance of being ready to assist Israel in a time of trouble. Will it be at the time of the battle of Gog and Magog? I don’t know, although that is possible. Will it be during an invasion from Iran and Syria? I don’t know, but the possibility seems more likely every day. Will it be after a great earthquake? I don’t know, but Israel is on major fault lines, and seismologists say we are due for the “big one.” This I know, God has called us to prepare for difficult times, and that is what we are doing. In times past, the Jewish people were left to stand alone in times of tragedy. When the next time of trouble comes, Bridges for Peace and our staff of 70 Christian volunteers intend to stand with them and to FEED as many as possible.
Our northern food bank in Karmiel will be open by the end of the year. We sincerely thank all who have generously donated to pay for the setup costs! Now, it is time to think of the food. The warehouse has room for up to 300 tons of food. We believe it is to be fully stocked, ready for any emergency. If we wait until tragedy strikes, it will be too late. We must prepare now. To do this, we need food contributions of approximately US $625,000. Daily we are praying that God will multiply our food budget to enable us to give 100 tons of food each month and have a fully stocked warehouse.
Ezekiel says, “I will call for the grain and multiply it, and bring no famine upon you. And I will multiply the fruit of your trees and the increase of your fields, so that you need never again bear the reproach of famine among the nations” (36:29b–30).
Please pray that God will quickly multiply our food budget, so that we can fulfill the unique role He has given to Bridges for Peace. Can you help? Maybe you can give a ton of food or a portion of a ton. No gift is too small! Perhaps churches or organizations would consider giving a ton of food every month for a year (US $25,000) or joining the Adopt an Israeli Town Program, providing food for the neediest families of one of our 13 adopted towns. Join us as we FEED the nation of Israel. As we do, we will also continue to FEED the Church worldwide with the truth from Israel.
Blessings from Jerusalem,
Rebecca J. Brimmer
International President and CEO
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