As true believers whose faith is in the Almighty God, we can trust Him to be with us no matter how difficult the times become. In Matthew 24, Yeshua foretold many dire events, but He also gave us instruction as to how we should live in the midst of them. We must watch (Matthew 24:42), be ready (v. 44), and be faithful servants. The words of Matthew 24:45–46 are so important to me and the BFP team:“Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his master when he comes will find so doing.” Each day that passes, I am more convinced that we are living in the “due season” Yeshua talked about. May He find us faithfully feeding the people of Israel when He comes.
Giving More…Not Less
Recently the BFP international senior team met to discuss how we should respond to the increasing needs in Israel in light of the economic slowdown. After prayer, we decided to purchase an additional 100 tons (90,817 kilograms) of food to completely fill the warehouse in Karmiel in northern Israel, in order to be ready for crisis events. We hadn’t done so previously because maintaining the balance between stored food and the quantities distributed on a monthly basis is a complex process. The expiration dates must be carefully monitored so that there is no spoilage.
Each month we are distributing between 50 and 60 tons (45,359 and 54,431 kilograms) of food based on the month’s income designated for food. In order to increase the quantity of stored food, we must also increase the amount of distributed food, or we will have to discard outdated food. So, making the decision to buy 100 tons of food to store means we also have to distribute significantly more food each month.
Stepping Out in Faith
We have made the decision to do so in faith. Each month, more Israelis are slipping into poverty as the economic recession deepens in Israel. The needs are overwhelming. We believe this is the direction from the Lord for this “due season.” Since He has called Bridges for Peace to feed the people of Israel, we believe that He will also supply the funds to make it possible. This decision will cost an additional US $420,000 annually.
In the natural, it seems like a crazy thing to do. The worldwide economic forecast is grim. Many ministries are laying off staff, cutting back on programming, and experiencing lowered giving. Yet, this is what we feel the Lord telling us to do. We are excited to be part of God’s plan to feed the people of Israel in challenging times. We are eagerly anticipating His supply as we step out in faith.
During Challenging Times
This may be a challenging time for you. Perhaps you are facing cuts to your personal budget. Maybe you, like many, are deeply concerned, even fearful. If so, please carefully read our Israel Teaching Letter, “The Search for Peace” posted on our BFP Web site. God’s plan for you is to bless you as you put His Kingdom first. I want to encourage you to bless Israel and trust God to fulfill His words to Abraham: “I will bless those who bless you” (Genesis 12:3).
I hesitated to write those words, not wanting to be manipulative in any way, but as I pray about this letter, I am reminded of the prophet Elijah living in a crisis time of famine and drought. God miraculously provided for his needs in that difficult time. One of the ways He provided was through a widow who was destitute and had no hope for the future. As she fed the prophet, the needs of her family were supplied till the end of the crisis. As you provide food in due season to the brothers of Yeshua, I am trusting God that your family will be supplied with provision from the hand of God. My prayer for you is 2 Corinthians 9:8: “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.”
We thank God for you. Your support, both in faithful prayer and financial giving, are feeding more than 20,000 Israelis each month. By faith, we are increasing the amount of food and the number of recipients starting this month. Thank you for being part of giving food in this “due season.” Our prayers are with you, our beloved partners, that our Lord will use you as a shining light in dark times; strengthening you in the faith; giving you peace, courage, and faith as together we are His face to the world around us.
Blessings from Jerusalem,
Rebecca J. Brimmer
International President and CEO
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