“Hear the Word of the LORD, O nations…‘He who scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him as a shepherd does his flock.’”
Jeremiah 31:10
Roman and Svetlana came to Israel from Ukraine one year after retiring from their careers. They love life in Israel, especially the vibrant Jewish community. Svetlana loves to open the window of their 9th floor apartment and pray because “God is near here and hears my prayers.” They regularly study the Torah (Gen.–Deut.). A few years after their arrival, their youngest son also came to Israel with his two young children, Anton and Dasha. Life was good, until their son was in a fatal accident. Suddenly Roman and Svetlana became completely responsible for their grandchildren. Their meager retirement income was not sufficient for their expanded family. That’s when God brought Bridges for Peace into their lives. Through our Adoption program, they receive food, assistance with transportation costs, gifts on holidays and birthdays and encouragement. Roman and Svetlana’s new prayer is that they will live long and healthy lives so they can be there for Anton and Dasha, now 10 and 12 years old, until they join the army. They recently sent a note praising God for the help of the Christian team at Bridges for Peace.
Michael is a 21-year-old immigrant from the United States. As a teenager he became fascinated with Israel and moved here by himself as a 17-year-old. He served in the Israel Defense Forces as a lone soldier since his family still resides in the United States. After his military service he enrolled in university, where he studies biology. It has been our joy to partner with Michael as he acquires the tools to a successful life. We received a long, thoughtful letter from him recently.
Shalom from Jerusalem,
I want to begin by expressing my sincere appreciation for the support you have provided me. I have been reflecting on everything I have learned since beginning the program nearly three years ago. One of the most exciting questions I have pondered throughout my studies is how human beings are similar to and different from all of the other organisms on the planet. Human beings are the only species in which individuals collaborate with strangers, often without ever meeting them in person. Your generosity was a direct demonstration of it. I cannot thank you enough for the material aid you have provided me along the way. However, I am far more indebted to you for what your kindness has taught me. To be human is to help one another.
Changing Lives One at a Time
The Adoption program assists families, single parents raising children, students and Holocaust survivors. Most are immigrants, but some are Israeli families facing a time of crisis. Our assistance meets critical needs, including food, bus travel and encouragement. An additional critical element is the relationships that are built between Christians and Jews. Christians, often viewed with suspicion, are now seen as friends who want to bless the Jewish people. God has called us to this holy and practical work. Each family or individual is evaluated for their specific needs. The cost of living in Israel is very high, necessitating several sponsors per family. A total of 28,000 immigrants arrived in Israel in 2018. Many have critical needs and require our help. Unfortunately we cannot add them to the program unless we have more sponsors, which we are asking God to provide. Is He speaking to your heart? Your investment in their lives will change their future. If you can’t make a monthly commitment, your one-time gift to our New Immigrant Fund helps us assist new immigrants in many practical ways.
God is calling His people to partner with Him as He watches over them as a Shepherd. Do you hear His voice calling?
Blessings from Israel,
Rebecca J. Brimmer
International President and CEO
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