A Miracle of Biblical Proportions
I believe that the establishment of the State of Israel and the return of the Jewish people from the four corners of the earth is one of the greatest miracles of all time! Never before in recorded history has a people group been dispersed for 2000 years to over 100 nations of the earth and then returned to their ancient homeland. It is a statistical impossibility. Yet, it is happening! Everywhere I go in Israel I see this miracle. I see it in the face of the taxi driver, the clerk in the supermarket, the children waiting for the school bus, and the people we assist through the Bridges for Peace Outreach Center. Every person is a vital, living, breathing part of God’s prophetic plan. As inhabitants of the 21st century, we are the most privileged generation, for we are seeing, touching, and helping the ones prophesied about so long ago.
“‘But I will gather the remnant of My flock out of all countries where I have driven them, and bring them back to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase…Therefore, behold the days are coming,’ says the Lord, ‘that they will no longer say, “As the Lord lives who brought up the children of Israel from the land of Egypt,” but, “As the Lord lives who brought up and led the descendants of the house of Israel from the north country and from all the countries where I had driven them” and they shall dwell in their own land.’” (Jeremiah 23:3, 7–8).
Great Needs in Israel
God is bringing His people home. But, they are coming to a land with great problems. Since its inception, Israel has been surrounded by enemies and plagued by terrorism. A strong army and tough security forces have become a costly necessity. Taxes are high to cover the costs. As a result, the people struggle to survive. Out of a population of 6.9 million, 1.58 million people (including 738,000 children) now live below the poverty line. This is 46,000 more than the year before.
In light of this, sometimes people ask me why we want to help bring Jewish people to Israel. Why not just help them in the places where they live? Surely God can minister to people anywhere in the world, so why is it important to God to bring them back to Israel? God answers that question in Ezekiel 36:19–25 when He says He is doing it for the sake of His name (character). God is in the process of proving to the world, that He can be trusted to keep His promises, as He fulfills biblical promises to Israel. God has been calling millions of Jewish people to come home to Israel, and through this miracle, the nations will know that He is God. He is MOVING in an active, powerful way today.
Participating with God
Coming home to Israel is a difficult decision. Usually it means leaving careers, friends, family, homes, and lands behind. For those in economic distress, the costs can be prohibitive. Through Project Rescue, we assist those who want to come home. Last year Bridges for Peace assisted 27% of all the immigrants who arrived in Israel.
New immigrants have a very difficult adjustment period. A new language must be learned. Job retraining is often necessary. It is often a lonely, discouraging process. Bridges for Peace is there with a loving helpful hand, assisting with food, bus passes, school books, love, and encouragement through our Adoption Program. Among the immigrants are many young people who often come without their families. The brightest of them are given scholarships to university, yet have no money for food or books. When they finish their education, they will become independent, productive citizens and will always remember that Christians helped them succeed.
Batyr is one such bright student on our Adoption Program. He came from Sammarkand, Uzbekistan, a beautiful old city, called in ancient manuscripts the “gem of the East.” If only the beauty went deep into the hearts of the people. Although Batyr loved his homeland, after enduring much anti-Semitism, he made the difficult decision to move to Israel. He is now studying in an Israeli university. He is charming, musical, and intelligent and speaks Russian, Hebrew, and English fluently. He is studying mechanical engineering. His faith and desire for a better life brought him to Israel. Pray for Batyr to fulfill his dreams and become a contributing member of society.
Christians around the world sponsor people on the Adoption Program by committing to give US $50 a month for one year. Meaningful relationships have been built through letter exchanges, translated by our Russian and Hebrew-speaking staff.
On God’s Path
We are on a journey with the Lord through these incredibly important days. He has the Road Map and knows exactly where He is going. Many details of the journey are revealed in His Word, but not every detail, making it necessary for us to keep our eyes on Him as we follow close by His side. God’s relationship with man has always been redemptive in nature. He is still wooing men to Himself. In these prophetic days, He is proving that He is a faithful, covenant-keeping God as He fulfills His promises to the natural descendents of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Our hearts beat faster as we see Him moving all around us.
We are partnering with God in this great end-time move of God. Will you join us? Please consider sponsoring a new immigrant on the Adoption Program or helping a Jewish person come home through Project Rescue (approximately US $300 to rescue one person, but any size gift will be thankfully received) or helping to feed the hungry in Israel through our Food Bank, which is distributing about 50 tons of food each month. Please pray and ask the Lord how He wants you to help, as He fulfills His prophetic word in Israel today. He is moving, and I want to move with Him. Don’t you?
By Rebecca Brimmer International President and CEO
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