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“I just came from a meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu!” Josh Reinstein told our assembled board members. “He asked me to emphasize to all leaders that I meet the three most urgent issues Israel is facing today.” My ears perked up. As a supporter of Israel and one who wants to show true friendship, it is important to know what concerns the Prime Minister and the people of Israel. Here are his three points.
1. Iran Poses an Existential Threat: The failure of world leaders to deal with the Iranian threat is of utmost concern to the people of Israel. Iran has recently heightened the rhetoric, releasing internet videos which show their fighter jets bombing Israeli landmarks, including the airport, attacking US ships in the region and attacking Israel with a nuclear bomb.
At Bridges for Peace we are very aware of the need to assist Israel in times of war. We have hundreds of tons of food stored in northern Israel for just such a time. I urge you to pray with us for God’s protective hand over Israel, her leaders and her people. Pray that our staff will be true friends in time of need—praying and meeting practical needs. In past conflicts some volunteers have asked me when we are sending them home. My answer is that we will not send anyone home (but will certainly assist those who feel they must go) because nothing is more loving than to stand with your friends in time of need. We are determined to stand with Israel no matter what comes.
<img style="height: auto; max-width: 100%;" title="PM Benyamin Netanyahu speaking to AIPAC March 4, 20142. Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions—the BDS Movement: The Prime Minister has identified these actions against the State of Israel as classical anti-Semitism (hatred of the Jewish people). How can the world speak of boycotting Israel while they do virtually nothing about the human rights violations occurring just north of Israel in Syria where thousands have been killed in the ongoing violence? Yes, Mr. Prime Minister, Israel is being targeted because of hatred of Jews and the God who called them His special treasure.
As true followers of Yeshua (Jesus) we need to stand up for the people He is bringing home in fulfillment of Bible prophecy, as well as those who are suffering under anti-Semitism in Ukraine and countries around the world. It saddens my heart to see Christians turning their backs on Israel.
3. Recognition of Israel as a Jewish State: The Prime Minister is under tremendous pressure to allow for the creation of a Palestinian State, fully recognized by Israel. Yet their one demand—to be recognized as a Jewish State—has been denied them. The Arab League just sent a strong message saying they will not recognize the Jewish state of Israel. Netanyahu asks with a note of puzzlement in his voice how the Palestinians can hope for recognition and deny the Israelis recognition.
As Bible believers it is time we stand up with the God of Israel and the people of Israel. The Bible says, when talking about the Jewish people, “For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable” (Rom. 11:29). The prophet Jeremiah, moved by the Holy Spirit to pen his words, says “Thus says the LORD, Who gives the sun for a light by day, the ordinances of the moon and the stars for a light by night…‘If those ordinances depart from before Me, says the LORD, then the seed of Israel shall also cease from being a nation before Me forever’” (Jer. 31:35–36). Clearly the sun, moon and stars are still doing their jobs! Surely God has not cast off the people of Israel. Rather, He is restoring them and their Land.
Some Christian antagonists are involved in the BDS movement because of grievances of the Palestinian people—about 98% of whom are Muslim. Our hearts are moved by the difficulties of all involved in this conflict. But, we must not go against God’s anointed because of sympathy for another people group. Rather, we must show His love to both groups while recognizing God has a special plan for the Jewish people in the land that He gave to them in an everlasting covenant.
Pray for Prime Minister Netanyahu to be strong and courageous. Pray for God’s protective hand over the Land of Israel, glorifying His name as He fulfills His ancient promises.
Refuse to become involved in BDS and any other form of anti-Semitic hatred.
Pray for the Christians in the Middle East who are suffering under the tyranny of Islam. Pray for Arabic-speaking Christians to have a revelation of Israel and the Jewish people in God’s plan. Please remember the Jewish people in Ukraine, and now Crimea, who are in grave danger due to political upheaval and heightened anti-Semitism.
Help us show God’s love to the peoples of Israel. Your gifts help us reach out in love, healing ancient wounds. Currently we have great needs to increase our food budget. The Lord’s Prayer says, “Give us this day our daily bread…” We have 28,000 people gathered at our table needing daily bread. Your gift for food will help us be the hands of the Lord to the needy in Israel. Your gift to the Arab Family Fund helps us show the Christian minority in Israel that they are not forgotten.
The prophet Jeremiah wrote, “Sing with gladness for Jacob [always refers to the Patriarch Jacob or the Jewish people—never the Church] and shout among the chief of the nations [UN? government leaders? the media?]; proclaim, give praise and say, ‘O LORD, save Your people, the remnant of Israel!’” (Jer. 31:7).
Join us today in standing with Prime Minister Netanyahu and the people of Israel—with the God of Israel and the Israel of God.
Blessings from Israel,
Rebecca J. Brimmer
International President and CEO
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