Many countries are fighting the War on Terror and battling Islamic domination. Families are destroyed by the influence of drugs, pornography, sexual immorality, and other addictions. Traditional Judeo-Christian values are threatened by divorce, same-sex marriage, and abortion.
Israel, so small in comparison to her neighbors, is surrounded by countries and peoples determined to wipe her off the map. Iran taunts the world with boasts of its imminent nuclear capability, but its first target will most likely be Israel. Syria crouches on Israel’s northern border, ready to reclaim ground they think is theirs. Hizbullah in Lebanon is amassing weapons to be used against Israel in the next conflict. Hamas in Gaza continually digs tunnels under the Egyptian border, funneling hoards of weapons to be used to push Israel into the sea.
The Light of the World Without hope in God, we would think Israel is doomed, and even the world, but David declared: “The darkness shall not hide from You, but the night shines as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike to You” (Psalm 139:12). Yeshua said, “I am the light of the world” (John 9:5). Christians celebrate that Light in December when, in the northern hemisphere, the days are shortest and the nights are the longest of the year. We brighten the darkness with candles, strings of lights, and music, and for a short season, the darkness seems to be pushed back a bit.
Jewish people celebrate light too as they light their eight-branched hanukkiahs (candelabra) during Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication or Festival of Lights). They remember a dark time in their history when Hellenism almost eradicated their uniqueness as the people of God. They rejoice in the victory God gave them and thank God for His faithfulness to His covenant promises to them. Their candles pierce the darkness in defiance of their enemies’ schemes and plans to destroy them.
The Lights of Bridges for Peace Yeshua said we are also lights of the world (Matthew 5:14). God has placed Bridges for Peace as a light in a very dark part of the world. Every volunteer is a light whose flame warms the hearts around them with smiles and hugs of Christian love. Everything we do brings light and life to families living in the shadow of darkness. Our hands of help dispel the darkness of pain, loneliness, loss, and hunger.
Our Home Repair teams brighten the homes of the elderly where mildew and disrepair have taken over. Freshly plastered and painted walls, new electrical wiring, and repaired plumbing give the aged and lonely a song in their hearts for their “new” home. The new immigrants and poor Israelis of our Adoption Program smile again, because they have friends who feed them and pray for them during difficult times. The depressed and forgotten people of the North were ecstatic when we drove into their towns during the recent war and provided much needed food and supplies from our Victims of War fund. Through our Feed a Child project, school children quit crying because we provided a healthy lunch that their parents could not afford.
Our light shines even outside of Israel as we bring hope to Jewish people who have dreamed all their lives of coming home to Israel. Through Project Rescue we have brought home over 27,000! Project Tikvah (Hope) feeds hungry Jewish people in Eastern Europe and even Siberia who are not able to immigrate.
These are just a few of our projects. The need is always greater than our supply. We would love to give so much more and bring more light into more lives that have been darkened by disappointment, depression, and hardship. Won’t you help us? Take a few minutes to look over all our projects at the bottom of this page. Choose at least one that especially touches your heart and send a donation this month while you are enjoying the celebration of light in your home. Spread the light and help us push back the darkness that so many Israeli families are experiencing in these very difficult times.
From Jerusalem,
Rebecca J. Brimmer
International President and CEO
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