In the aftermath of a weekend of terror in France, Ynet, an Israeli news source published an article titled “The Forces of Darkness Are Winning.” The first lines of the article read, “Jihadi extremism is becoming more powerful and the free world is simply not coping; the far-right is not the answer, but neither is surrender.”
In response to the attacks in which 17 people were killed (five of them Jewish), Prime Minister Netanyahu said, “These attacks in Paris are the continuation of extremist Islam’s war against our free civilization, in the West, in the entire modern world and also in the moderate Arab states and among entire publics in the Islamic world. This is a wave of terrorism that is spreading a global net of hatred, fanaticism and murder. After establishing its bases in the Middle East, terrorism is now sending its arms throughout the world. If the world does not take action quickly, we will find this terrorism gaining momentum and increasingly striking at other centers of the free world and in other places.”
<img style="height: auto; max-width: 100%; display: block; -webkit-user-drag: none;" title="World leaders march in aThe world watched as their leaders gathered in Paris to march in solidarity with the French people. The world listened as French Prime Minister Manuel Valls declared war against Islamic terrorism and hatred. He reminded us, “Journalists were killed because they defended freedom. Policemen were killed because they were protecting you,” he said. “Jews were killed because they were Jewish.”
Many reflected back on the darkness that overcame Europe during the Second World War, and fear the darkness that once again threatens free society.
It was a wake up call for France, Europe and indeed the world. Israel has already awakened—in fact she never got a chance to sleep. For Israel’s entire existence, she has contended with anti-Israel and anti-Jewish terror. The Jewish people will never forget the events of 70 years ago when one-third of worldwide Jewry was murdered in anti-Semitic rage by the Nazis. The same evil intent that gripped the Nazis now motivates the adherents of radical Islam.
One of the core values of Bridges for Peace is “to counter anti-Semitism worldwide and support Israel’s divine God-given right to exist in her God-given land.”
God has prepared Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people and Israeli leaders were quick to invite the Jewish people of France to come home. Many of France’s 500,000 strong Jewish community are already on the way. Natan Sharansky, head of the Jewish Agency, said this week that 50,000 have made inquiry about the process.
<img style="height: auto; max-width: 100%; display: block; -webkit-user-drag: none;" title="The Bnei Menashe are coming home.The Jewish people are coming home speaking the languages of the world including Russian, Ukrainian, French, Spanish, English, Afrikaans and Dutch. The lost Jews of the tribe of Manasseh, the Bnei Menashe are coming home. These new immigrants are rich, they are poor, they are young, they are old, they are ecstatic, they are afraid, they are educated, they are uneducated, but they have one thing in common: they are Jewish, the sons and daughters of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and they are targeted because of that fact. They have experienced anti-Semitism in one way or another for centuries.
During the Second World War many Christians risked their lives to save Jewish people. In Jerusalem at the Holocaust memorial, Yad Vashem, you can walk among a grove of trees called the Avenue of the Righteous. Under each tree is the name of a family or individual who put their own lives at risk in order to save Jewish people.
Today is another time when we must courageously step up and make ourselves available to God. He has a task for each of us in these dark times. His light will shine through us to illuminate in the midst of the darkest night. Are you ready to let your light shine? Will we act with righteousness in these times? Will we step forward to advance God’s plan for these darkening days?
You may feel that you can’t do much. How will you know if you don’t start? Thousands like you have joined together with Bridges for Peace, and together we have helped rescue nearly 50,000 Jewish people who are now living in Israel. We have welcomed them with love, light and welcome gifts. We have fed them and continue to feed nearly 28,000 people every month. We are partnering with God who said, “‘Behold, I will save My people from the land of the east and from the land of the west…I will bring them back, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. They shall be My people and I will be their God, in truth and righteousness.’ Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘Let your hands be strong…And it shall come to pass that just as you were a curse among the nations, O house of Judah and house of Israel, so I will save you, and you shall be a blessing. Do not fear, Let your hands be strong’” (Zech. 8:7–8, 9a,13).
Please give generously today to our Immigrant Fund so we can help Jewish people come home, welcome them and feed them as they become established in the home that God has prepared. Do your part to chase away the darkness of our times. God is moving—let’s move with Him.
Blessings from Israel,
Rebecca J. Brimmer
International President and CEO
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