September is coming and, in Israel, that means it is back-to-school time. Most Israeli children look forward to school starting after the summer holidays, but others dread it. They are children whose families live in poverty. Like everywhere in the world, children want to be accepted by their peers. The pressure to be cool, to look good, and to have the right accessories is just as real in Israel as in your country. A child who has the right backpack and nice clothes feels more confident.
Unfortunately, many Israeli parents cannot afford to provide even the essentials for their children, much less new clothes or a nice backpack. Even though school is free, parents are responsible to pay for school books, uniforms (in some schools), school supplies, extracurricular activities including tutoring, school outings, and summer camp. A hot lunch is served in school, but only to those who can pay.
Our Feed a Child Program.
The children in our Feed a Child Program are from families who cannot afford these basics, which we would consider necessities. The principal of a religious public school told me that Bridges for Peace has made a tremendous impact on the school. Previously, children came to school without books. They tried to look over their school mates’ shoulders to see the text or share copies of a few pages, which was all the school could afford to give to them. Without books, they couldn’t study at home. These students invariably fell behind their classmates. They simply didn’t have a chance. Now, all the children in this school have books. The principal and teachers I met were effusive in their thanks. My heart melted as I saw precious children eagerly answering the teacher’s questions and realized that, through our efforts, these children have a chance to break the cycle of poverty that has plagued their families. Through education, they have an equal opportunity with their peers to become all that God designed them to be.
Children sponsored on the Feed a Child Program are blessed throughout the year. In September, their school books are purchased for them. They are given a backpack and school supplies. When the first day of school arrives, they can start school with smiling faces, because they are on an equal level with all their classmates. If their school requires uniforms, they are supplied with those as well. Every day during the school year, they receive a hot meal for lunch. When the school plans an outing, no one gets left behind because of a lack of funds.
In Israel, the school year is from September through June. July is summer camp month, and almost all Israeli children spend July in camp. Since both parents, in most homes, must work in order to provide for the family, summer camp is a full-day camp, and it’s not just fun activities. Each day during the three-week camp, the children receive two meals, breakfast and lunch. They spend two hours a day studying English, math, and Hebrew and are provided with special workbooks. Then they enjoy art, music, and drama projects, as well as field trips. Bridges for Peace doesn’t just help Israeli children attend this camp but sends volunteers to assist in the program.
A fourth-grader on our Feed a Child Program sent us this thank-you note:
“Shalom, My name is Shai Boaron. I am a nine-year-old girl, who was born in Israel. There are three other children in my family. My favorite subject at school is Hebrew, and I also like sports very much. After school, I usually watch TV. My hobbies are reading, walking, and playing with friends. My favorite colors are red, blue, pink, and yellow, and I also like teddy bears. When I grow up, I want to be an author. Thank you for being my sponsor, and may you be blessed.”
Donors Make It Possible
All of this is possible because Christians all over the world have opened their hearts to bless Israel and the youngest of her citizens in a very tangible, practical way. Their financial commitment of US $60 per month for a year is making a difference in the lives of many young children, their families, their school, and their community.
Each sponsor receives a profile about their child. Sometimes a sponsor will contact us saying they want to give an extra gift to help their child. This year, an American sponsor wanted to bless one of our children with a large gift. We contacted the school to ascertain the needs of the family. It turned out the family had five children (soon to become six), and they had no washing machine. A local retailer was approached and agreed to give a reduction in price, and a brand new washing machine with a large supply of laundry soap was delivered to the family. What a blessing from the Lord and the sponsor who was willing to give!
Last year, 152 children were on the program in the city of Beit Shemesh. The mayor’s office, as well as the Keren Shemesh Foundation, helped make it possible. Everyone involved, from the mayor to the youngest child on the program, knew that Christians loved them enough to care for their needs. In fact, the entire city of 80,000 is being impacted.
This September, by faith, we are increasing the number of children to 200. Since it takes four sponsors per child, this means that we are believing God for 800 sponsors instead of 608. Not everyone can make a US $60 per month commitment for a year, so many others send one-time gifts to meet special needs. These donations have funded air-conditioners, building renovations, computers, and other needed equipment.
At the end-of-year graduation ceremony, Bill Stevens, our Israel Operations Director emeritus (retired this year), was honored for this program. I sat in the front row in awe as I witnessed the honor being bestowed on a Christian, in Hebrew, by the Israeli school principal, teachers, students, and even the mayor of the city. Bill stood, with tears in his eyes, accepting this great honor. At one point in his response, he said, “I can only receive this honor as a representative of Christians who care enough to bless you.”
Please pray about sponsoring a child on the Feed a Child Program this year. Your gift will change a young life. Or, if you cannot sponsor a child with a monthly commitment, please send the most generous gift you can, so we can bless the school with needed improvements. Together, we are making a difference.
Blessings from Jerusalem,
Rebecca J. Brimmer
International President and CEO
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