Michael Freund, head of Shavei Israel and an Orthodox Jew, recently sent me a note asking for prayer. “May I ask you and the other members of Bridges to raise us up in prayer and to ask G-d to put it in the hearts and minds of the members of the Israeli cabinet to vote in favor of the resolution regarding the Bnei Menashe Aliyah [immigration to Israel]? And to please keep in mind the verse from Isaiah 43:5, “Fear not, for I am with you; I shall bring your descendants from the east and gather you from the west” (emphasis added).
<img style="height: auto; max-width: 100%;" title="Bnei Menashe immgrant who recently made aliyah from India.A few days later we got the wonderful news that our prayers had been answered. Michael wrote, “This morning, the Government of Israel unanimously passed the resolution allowing Shavei Israel to bring another 900 members of the Lost Tribe of Bnei Menashe home from India to Zion!! Under the terms of the decision, we plan to bring the first batch of 200 people before the end of December [2013], followed by 400 people next year and 300 in 2015.
“In order to do so, we need your help! Time is short—please partner with us in this historic and prophetic return! Thank you for your ongoing prayers, encouragement and support. After 2,700 years, the return to Zion of a Lost Tribe of Israel continues. May we merit to witness their complete deliverance soon.”
Photo by Pieter Marais
Tucked into a small area of land to the northeast of the India subcontinent, just below China and above Bangladesh is the home of one of the most fascinating groups of people on earth. According to the history that has been passed from generation to generation, this tribe was exiled from the Northern Kingdom of Israel in 721 BC. Traveling across what became the “silk route,” the tribe settled in this remote section of land.
This group of people, called the Bnei Menashe, has been officially recognized as descendants of Israel. They are understood to be the descendants of the Tribe of Manasseh, one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. They want to come home.
Now the doors have swung open, clearing the way for the Bnei Menashe to return to their homeland. As He has promised, God has created a way where there seemed no way. Bridges for Peace is committed to doing all that we can to help restore the Bnei Menashe to Israel, and we are asking you to do something special right now, while their future is hanging in the balance. It will cost (US) $4,500 for each person to move to Israel and get established.
Photo by Pieter Marais
If you were to visit this remote people group today, you would be amazed. Even though they have been isolated for generations, their strong Jewish heritage remains. It was more than 2,700 years ago that the Tribe of Manasseh was exiled by the Assyrian Empire. Through all of this time they have kept their belief in the one true God and they have longed to return home to Israel. They need our help.
Our friend and colleague Michael Freund made this comment in his message to me:
<img style="height: auto; max-width: 100%;" title="BFP gave Bnei Menashe immigrants blankets, pots and pans, a Tanakh (Gen.-Mal.) and a backpack for each child.“We are at the final stage of the fulfillment of God’s prophecy. In the coming months, we will witness the realization of God’s promise (in Isaiah 43:5): ‘Do not be afraid, because I am with you. I will bring your descendants from the east….’ After thousands of years of exile, the Bnei Menashe are at last coming home to Zion. Bolstered by your prayers and support, I am confident that we will be up to the task.”
I am certain that there are some of you to whom God will speak about helping the Bnei Menashe. My prayer is that God will use us together to do something great.
Photo by Pieter Marais
I’m sure that you are aware that it is not my style, or the practice of Bridges for Peace, to put pressure on anyone to give, but I want to make the need known. I am trusting that God will touch the hearts of some people who can give (US) $4,500 to move and settle one person. I am also praying that God will impress on some to give twice, five times, ten times that amount, and some even more. It will cost millions to move and settle the 900 people we are working to help right now. No gift is too large! And no gift is too small. All our gifts together will be used of the Lord to fulfill His prophetic Word. Please do whatever He has equipped you to do.
My heart has been moved for the Bnei Menashe people. May our God be glorified by their transition to Israel and by His work in their hearts and lives. Thank you for being a blessing to the nation and people of Israel, no matter where they might be found.
Blessings from Israel,
Rebecca J. Brimmer,
International President and CEO
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