My mother was a widow for 12 years before she joined my father in heaven in 2019. She would often tell us that God has a special heart for widows and that she trusted Him to care for her. When things were difficult, she would often say: “But God!” He was her source in every way. I am so blessed to have had a godly, praying mother. When she passed away, we established the Ramona Lewis Widows and Orphans Fund in her honor.
I love Scriptural passages that show the character of God. Consider this: “For the LORD your God is the God of gods and the LORD of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who does not show partiality, nor take a bribe. He executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and shows His love for the stranger by giving him food and clothing” (Deut. 10:17–18 NASB).
Most of the Holocaust survivors that we assist have lost their spouses. In fact, there are many elderly widows on our food programs who receive regular food assistance. It is our honor to help meet their physical needs, but our hearts break as we see their loneliness. Unfortunately, Israel also has many young widows struggling to raise families alone.
In October, Li’s husband suddenly passed away, leaving her, a young mother, alone with four children to raise. The oldest child is eight and the youngest two (twins) are three. Heartbroken at the loss of her husband, she was also in severe financial distress.
In the past, we had helped Li’s mother. With the family plunged into sorrow, she called us asking for help for her devastated daughter. During the first few months, we helped with emergency dental needs. Then her refrigerator broke, so we replaced it. Later she needed a bed, and we were able to assist again.
As Passover approached, realizing how many needs this family had, we mobilized to bless them in a significant fashion. We took new blankets, pots and pans, gifts for the children and grocery store food vouchers to enable them to host a wonderful Passover meal with their family. We knew we were acting with the heart of God, who clearly says in His Word that He will care for the widow. I am sure that Li and her children will always remember the Christians who came and showed love to their family. Dee, one of our volunteers, was there to help. She is the one that reached out to give Li a big hug. She told us how tightly Li hugged back. With tears of joy, Li gratefully received the gifts that Christians were bringing her and her fatherless children. Click here to view the video of the day we showed up for this young widow.
The book of James is famous for its practical application of faith, saying: “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world” (James 1:27 NASB).
Every day the Christian team of Bridges for Peace reaches out in practical ways to exhibit the character of God and Christian love to the people of Israel. In this account, we helped a widow. We also reach out to new immigrants, children from families with socioeconomic difficulties, Holocaust survivors and more. In response to the increased needs brought on by the pandemic, we are in the process of adding hundreds more people to our regular Food Project to receive ongoing food parcels. Many of those we add to the list are widows or single mothers. Israel is an expensive place to live. Generally, families depend on two salaries to make ends meet. As a result, single parent households are often among the neediest in the society.
How thankful we are that Christians like you have been giving to our Widows and Orphans Fund. This has enabled us to bless Li and her precious children. It will enable us to reach out with love to others in need. The needs are great. Thankfully we serve a great God, who loves the widow, orphan and stranger. Does God want to use you today to show His love? Your generous gifts will enable us to reach more of those who are crying in despair, asking God to help them.
Blessings from Israel,
Rebecca J Brimmer
International President and CEO
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