Two years ago in April war broke out between Ukraine- and Russian-backed separatist forces and still continues. As of April 2016, 9,400 people have been killed, and 21,500 wounded. A recent UN report accuses the armed rulers of eastern Ukraine of widespread human rights violations and abuses. According to the report, 2.7 million civilians living under their control have no freedom of expression, assembly and association. Enforced disappearances, arbitrary detention, torture and ill treatment are deeply entrenched practices. The situation is volatile, and most have little hope of a cease-fire holding.
In the past few months I have had several meetings with Jewish leadership in Israel regarding the subject of aliyah (immigration). Invariably they express great concern for the Jews living in Ukraine and France. Two hundred thousand Jewish people live in Ukraine, and many of them are anxious to come to Israel. Increased anti-Semitism and public slander blaming the Jews as the cause of the current crisis have prompted many Ukrainian Jews to seriously contemplate “making aliyah” or immigrating to Israel. They are also motivated by hope for a better future for their children.
In fact many are sending their children on ahead. Israel has a program called Selah. The name is a Hebrew acronym for “Students Before Their Parents.” Parents send their 17–21 year old post high school children to Israel paving the way for the entire family to follow. The program lasts for ten months and features intense Hebrew language studies, as well as other learning experiences designed to help them adjust to life in Israel. Two hundred and fifty young people will arrive in Israel in September, with half of them living in Karmiel at an Absorption center there. After finishing their course, they will join the Israeli army or go to university programs. Virtually none will return to the Ukraine.
Over the past 18 months the Lord has been speaking to me about the fact that we can be “Future Changers”. We need to invest in the futures of young people, so we have started our Zealous Israel Project to invest in the lives of Christian young adults. In this way, we are passing our vision on to the next generation.
We also want to invest in the lives of Jewish young people. Already we are helping 400 children through the Feed a Child Program. We also help university students through our Adoption Program. Now, participation in this program will allow us to reach out to young adults fleeing war in Ukraine. We can help to change their futures! God is calling His people home just as foretold by the prophets. Just think of it, these young people are a part of that great redemptive plan of God for the Jewish people. God promised to bring His people home from the four corners of the earth, and it is happening. What a privilege to be partners with God as He proves to be a faithful covenant-keeping God!
Through Project Rescue we have helped more than 56,000 Jewish people come home to Israel. Many of them are from the Ukraine. As the war has progressed the numbers have increased year after year, and there are thousands waiting to come. Increased anti-Semitism and public slander blaming the Jews as the cause of the current crisis have prompted many Ukrainian Jews to seriously contemplate immigrating to Israel. Now they are desperate enough to send their children to Israel alone. Many of those children have never been on an airplane before, and never ventured out of their birth country. Their parents are sending them to Israel with hope and uncertainty—hope for a better future, but without the certainty of ever seeing them again.
These are desperate times for the Jewish people in Ukraine. Please pray about helping us to give the gift of hope; the gift of a brighter future. Your gift to Project Rescue will help us rescue the people of Ukraine, and their young adults.
Blessings from Israel,
Rebecca J. Brimmer
International President and CEO
Photo Credit: Roman Mikhailiuk/
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