Palestinian leadership incited violence against Israel in the aftermath of the killing of two Israeli policemen by terrorists who then fled onto the Temple Mount. Israeli attempts to secure the Mount with metal detectors and other security measures were met with extreme violence as rage erupted in the streets of Jerusalem. Throughout the land, Muslims intent on protecting the Al Aqsa Mosque reacted to the situation with acts of terror.
The nation was stunned to see the graphic photos of an Israeli family murdered in their home on Shabbat (the Sabbath). The images are burned into my memory. Tragically Israel has two new widows and five more orphaned children. The pain we all felt as we heard remaining family members crying and saying, “We can never enter our home again; all we see is the blood of our slain father, husband, brother and sister.” We were horrified to see pictures of the wounded terrorist from his hospital bed. He looked so pleasant and ordinary, wearing a big smile. We wondered how such murderous rage could have come from this pleasant-looking young man. Nearly every day we hear of another atrocity in this time of rage.
The little town which was the scene of the murder of the Salomon family is no stranger to terrorism. Last November it was one of many communities targeted with terror by fire. Many homes were totally destroyed at that time. It was a blessing to be able to help the families who lost everything. Perhaps because they recall the kindness of Christians from Bridges for Peace, the head of security has now contacted us and asked for help in installing a state-of-the-art video surveillance system so they can better ensure the safety of their citizens in the future. The costs will be over $100,000.00. We believe that our Christian partners around the world will want to stand with us to show Christian love as we provide increased safety for the grandmothers and grandfathers, moms and dads, and children who now are living in fear of the next attack.
Our Victims of War fund exists for just such a time as this. We have helped those who mourn and suddenly find themselves in a tenuous financial situation after losing the main provider of the family to terrorism, like in the case of the Salomon family. We have helped to provide therapy for those (particularly children) who have lost a family member. We have provided necessary medical apparatus for those wounded and adapting to a new reality.
Psalm 121 could have been written just for this time. “I will lift up my eyes to the hills—from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth…Behold He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep…the LORD shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul.” I believe God is calling us right now, at this specific time in history, to help watch over Israel; to be His hands and feet and reach out in practical ways to stand with the people of Israel. I am asking you to consider a generous gift. This little town is one of many who are needing to better protect their citizens whose lives, right now, are at risk. .
Be part of God’s team—guarding, loving, protecting and standing with Israel, the apple of His eye.
With a heavy heart from Jerusalem,
Rebecca Brimmer, International President and CEO
Photo Credit: Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90
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