He walked in darkness. Born blind, he had never seen the face of his mother, the glories of creation, or even understood what colors were. Then one day, his world changed forever. He encountered Yeshua (Jesus), who in one amazing moment gave him sight. Yeshua’s disciples questioned, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (John 9:2). The answer? “Neither…, but that the works of God should be revealed in him” (v. 3).
At times, people ask me questions about our ministry in Israel. Why should Christians be interested in Israel? Isn’t God finished with the Jewish people? Why is God bringing the Jewish people back to Israel? We could write an entire book to answer these questions, and yet there is a simple answer. It is for the glory of God. It is to show the world that He is a trustworthy God who keeps His Word. It is so the works of God can be revealed in this world today. As we minister in Israel, I am constantly aware that our actions must always glorify God. I want to focus on three of the many ways we do this.
Feed a Child
“What’s your name?” “Where are you from?” The children surrounded us with smiling faces and charmingly accented questions. We quickly realized that the English teacher had taught the children a few phrases, so they could greet us, members of the Bridges for Peace International Board. We were visiting two schools in Beit Shemesh, where we sponsor children on our Feed a Child Project. Children, teachers, and administration alike joyfully and enthusiastically welcomed us. Fifth graders played songs for us on their recorders (a flute-like instrument), tiny first-graders showed us their math skills, and the guitar-playing rabbi led a class in singing Hebrew songs for us. As the children sang the song from Psalm 121, we were deeply moved.
“I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun will not smite you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. The Lord will guard your going out and coming in from this time forth and forever” (NASB).
One hundred children in these two schools are receiving hot lunches, dental insurance, school books and supplies, school outings, and summer camp from us as a part of our Feed a Child Project. These are children whose families cannot provide even the basic need of lunch. As I looked at their shining faces and listened to their voices lifted in song, I realized that God was answering their prayer from Psalm 121—He had sent Christians from around the world to be a help to them in their time of need. Truly God is not slumbering or sleeping, He is watching out for the children of Israel. We pray that He will be glorified in their lives.
Adopt an Israeli Town
All Christians visiting Israel come to Jerusalem, Tiberias, and other significant biblical locations, but there are many communities that rarely, if ever, meet Christians. Twelve of these communities are being impacted by Christian love and care through our Adopt an Israeli Town Program. In each town, we develop a relationship with the mayor and the social workers, who help identify the needs in their town. The news is shared throughout the community that Christians are providing for their needs. A surprisingly high number of Israelis in these communities have never met a Christian before. Attitudes toward Christians are changing as we simply share God’s love through our lives. It is for the glory of God.
Project Rescue
Every month, we help Jewish people prepare to return to Israel through Project Rescue. Throughout the countries of the former Soviet Union, Jewish people are encouraged to come home to Israel. We help them get their paperwork in order, to prove to the Israeli embassy and Jewish Agency that they are Jewish, a requirement for aliyah (immigration to Israel). We pay for passports, clothing, food, transportation, and more to enable them to join their Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel. Over 27,000 Jewish people who were helped through Project Rescue are now living in Israel.
Some people wonder why it is important to God that they come back to Israel. After all, couldn’t they serve Him in their countries of birth? Ezekiel 36 talks about the restoration of Israel and the return of the Jewish people to their land. In this passage, God makes it very clear that He is bringing the people back for the sake of His name, His character. He wants the nations to see and know that He is God as He fulfills His promises to Israel.
The Works of God Revealed in Us
It is our desire that Bridges for Peace programs and projects in Israel and around the world would glorify God. Our prayer is that the Jewish people would experience the work of God being revealed through His faithful, promise-keeping character. Will you pray that our lives shine with His glory and that His works be revealed in us? Will you stand with us in prayer and financial support? Your support makes it possible for children to be fed, immigrants to come home, communities to be impacted with Christian love, homes to be repaired, the hungry to be fed, victims of war to be comforted, and Jewish people to be shown that they are not alone. God loves them, and millions of Christians around the world are standing with them in love through prayer and practical assistance. Here are some ways you can help:
Feed a Child Program—US $50 per month (one-year commitment). These children know that God loves them as Christians provide for some of their most basic needs.
Adopt an Israeli Town Program—US $100 per month (one-year commitment). Impact the lives of whole communities with the knowledge that Christians are standing with them in love and deed.
Project Rescue—Any amount (estimated cost per person US $300). Help Jewish people come home to Israel in fulfillment of God’s Word.
Food—Any amount. We are praying in faith that God will double our food budget in the next few months, as we open a new Outreach Center in northern Israel.
We encourage you to choose a project on the return page and give generously. The needs are great. As you give, pray that the eyes of the world will be opened to see the glory of God and His character, and that the works of God will be revealed in Israel.
In His Service, from Jerusalem,
Rebecca J. Brimmer
International President and CEO
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