www.israelimages.com/Israel Talby
“Dear friends, I don’t know who you are, but you are my Angels. The principal of the school told me that you are not even Jewish—that you are Christian friends of the Jewish children of Bet Shemesh. May the Lord bless you with good health for all the love you have for my children. Thanks to your love and your generosity, my children receive all the school supplies they need to be successful; they eat hot meals every day; they join all the school activities; and my life has changed. Now, I don’t have to worry about the payment to the school for my children. With the little money I earn, I can pay the electricity, water, and send my children to school with a small sandwich. I could never do that before. You are my Angels. Thank you and G-D bless you.”
Signed: Aliza
The Israeli National Insurance Institute Annual Report tells us that one in three children in Israel live in poverty—that is 860,900 children. Although education is available and compulsory up to age 15, it is not exactly free. Poor families struggle to meet the costs for their children. School books and supplies are expensive and many children arrive at school without these essential tools because their parents choose to buy food instead of books. Tragically many students come to school with no lunch and without money to purchase food at school. While their better-off classmates eat their lunch, they sit with nothing to eat.
Our hearts break for the children. It is our desire to help as many as possible reach their potential. With the help of Christians worldwide, we are currently sponsoring 300 children in 8 schools in Karmiel and Beit Shemesh. Each child has two Christian sponsors who pray for them, and support them monthly. This enables us to give them a hot lunch each school day, a new backpack in September filled with school supplies, all their textbooks, participation in school outings, birthday gifts, and more as needed.
It is our vision to help children all over Israel, not just in two towns. This year we are adding a school in the Nahlaot neighborhood of Jerusalem. Fifty girls at the Amit Shachar School for girls will be given Christian sponsors starting in September at the beginning of the school year. We have stepped out in faith to add another school. We need your help. Will you join with us to give some needy Jerusalem children a chance for a great future? Hundreds of Christians are doing just that and you can join the blessing. When you sponsor a child you will be sent a picture of the child, along with a short biography telling a bit about them. Sponsors must make a one-year monthly commitment.
Many Christian readers want to help the Feed a Child Program but are unable to commit to a specified amount each month. They send one-time gifts to help us reach out and meet the needs of the schools. This has proven to be a tremendous blessing to the entire school. We have provided computers and specialized computer programs to teach electronics and electricity. We have paid for playground equipment, air conditioning, and renovations. We have provided uniforms, classroom Smart Boards, and more.
The Feed a Child Program is changing the future for the children we help and their entire families. Schools are better equipped to teach their students. Jewish families who never knew a Christian who cared about them are changing their attitudes towards Christians and Christianity. Children are fed. The scholastic levels of the schools are improving. You can be a future changer. Join the program today!
Blessings from Israel,
Rebecca J. Brimmer
International President and CEO
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