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National and Regional Directors

Our national and regional leaders work tirelessly in support of Israel and the Bridges for Peace efforts to bless God’s people. They help to impart vision and bring awareness to the Church. Would you consider supporting one of these faithful men and women with a donation?

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Regional Representatives

Regional representatives are men and women who have given of their time to complete specific training in order to communicate effectively about Israel and the Hebraic roots of our faith. They are available to speak at functions and work tirelessly to educate those in their nations. Would you consider partnering with a representative through a financial gift to help get the message out?

Who is my representative?   |   Support a Representative »

Israel Team

Bridges for Peace depends upon the selfless giving of its team who make the commitment to live and serve in Israel. They leave families, friends and jobs to come in faith, trusting the Lord to meet their needs. Would you consider providing financial support to a BFP team member in Israel today?

View photos of volunteers in action   |   Support an Israel Team Member »