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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Local Prayer Groups

“Chai” in Hebrew means “alive” or “living.”  You may be familiar with the saying “Am Yisrael chai!” (“The people of Israel live!”).

We at Bridges For Peace believe that God has enriched our spiritual life through the Jewish people and that it would be an appropriate response to have Christians meet regularly to pray for Israel and to learn about our Jewish roots. The weekly “Israel Current News Update with Prayer Focus” is sent from Jerusalem by email to all Chai leaders and anyone who requests it.

Ways to be involved with the Bridges for Peace Chai Prayer Initiative

  • Find a CHAI Prayer Group close to you and join them in prayer
  • Become a CHAI Group Leader – for the individual with an existing group or interested in forming one.
  • CHAI1 – for the individual who wants to pray for Israel, but is currently unaffiliated to a group

What a CHAI Group IS:

  • A time of prayer for Israel
  • A time of prayer for the work of Bridges for Peace
  • A support and a bridge for local churches who desire to know more about Israel, Hebraic roots and Bridges For Peace
  • A source of strength and fellowship to those who support Israel
  • A source of information about Israel for churches, civic clubs, etc.
  • A possible bridge of friendship to the Jewish community
  • A place to receive sound, scriptural teaching about Israel and Hebraic roots
  • A place to pray according to Scripture for Israel
  • A point of contact for new Bridges For Peace supporters in your area
  • A channel for combining the latest international news and scriptural insights to inform Christians in your area

What a CHAI Group is NOT:

  • Not a house church
  • Not a “home group”
  • Not in competition with a local church
  • Not an “exclusive club”
  • Not a “Messianic” fellowship
  • Not an evangelism tool to convert Jews

To become a Chai leader or if you are a solitary individual (CHAI1) that prays for Israel and would like to become a part of our prayer network please e-mail or call us.

Email: [email protected]

800-566-1998 (Primary)
321-361-8887 (Cell/Text)
321-749-PRAY (7729) (Prayer)