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Israel Intercepts Missile from Yemen

September 27, 2024

by: JNS

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The “Arrow II” intercepting missile launcher defends Israel from Palmachim Israeli Airforce base, near the central city of Rishon Letzion.

Friday, 26 September 2024 | Israel’s “Arrow” Aerial Defense System intercepted a missile fired at the Jewish state from Yemen, the Israel Defense Forces [IDF] stated early on Friday morning.

“Sirens and explosions were heard following the interception and falling shrapnel,” the IDF said. Some 15 minutes earlier, the IDF stated that “millions of Israelis are running to shelter as sirens sound across all of central Israel.”

Alex Traiman, the CEO and Jerusalem bureau chief at JNS, wrote that “a ballistic missile fired from Yemen by the Iranian-backed Houthi terror organization was intercepted near Tel Aviv” and that “the boom was heard and felt all the way in Jerusalem.”

“Iran’s terror proxies operating out of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza and Yemen are daily trying to murder people in Israel,” wrote the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs in Canada.

Posted on September 27, 2024

Source: (This article was originally published by the Jewish News Syndicate on September 26, 2024. Time-related language has been modified to reflect our republication today. See original article at this link.)

Photo Credit: Hadas Parush/Flash 90/

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