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Search Results for: In This Together

  • Refuge in the Storm
    December 3, 2013

    {image_1}Le Chambon-sur-Lignon—France

    Pastor André Trocmé was the spiritual leader of the Protestant congregation in the village of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon in southeastern France. His predecessor, Charles Guillon, had been elected mayor of the town in the early 1930s. When in June 1940 France was occupied and the Vichy regime was formed, Trocmé urged his congregants to shelter persecuted fugitives of “the people of the Bible.” In so doing, he followed in the footsteps of Guillon, who had educated the congregation in this spirit. This policy and the generosity of spirit of many congregants made Le Chambon and the surrounding villages a unique refuge in France where many Jews survived the war.

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  • Up In the Air, a Bird’s-eye View of Israel

    {image_1}Israel has a number of cable car systems that not only provide transportation but make for some memorable aerial adventures as well.

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  • Green Lung in Dimona

    {image_1}If Israel's first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion were to pop by the city of Dimona today, he'd be thrilled to see this Negev community bringing his vision to fruition. Construction of a new green oasis in the desert is now underway.

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  • Sinai Speaks
    December 1, 2013

    {image_2}Equipping Christians to clearly understand the biblical/Hebraic roots of our faith is an essential goal of Bridges for Peace. We seek to accomplish this in a variety of ways. Our monthly Teaching Letters and other printed material, presentations by BFP representatives to local church groups or other meetings, and one-on-one conversations are all avenues to increase this understanding. This month we’d like to introduce you to a new tool that has just become available: Sinai Speaks, a devotional book written by Dr. Jim Solberg, the BFP US National Director. The potential this book has to deepen our understanding of the Hebraic foundations of our Christian faith is exciting.

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  • Our Prayers Have Been Answered!

    Michael Freund, head of Shavei Israel and an Orthodox Jew, recently sent me a note asking for prayer. “May I ask you and the other members of Bridges to raise us up in prayer and to ask G-d to put it in the hearts and minds of the members of the Israeli cabinet to vote

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  • Blessing Israel
    November 1, 2013

    “Christians are our best friends in the world today.” I hear this sentiment frequently from Jewish leaders and colleagues, as they recognize a growing phenomenon in the Church. After more than 1900 years of disinterest (at best) and animosity resulting in persecution of Jews and Jewish communities (at worst), this is an astonishing reality. It

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  • Voice of the Shofar

    {image_2}In an article by Jewish writer Sara Debbie Gutfreund, she describes losing her son in an Israeli amusement park one day and the ensuing, frantic search for him. She called again and again but there was no response. When she finally found him, the toddler was completely unaware that he was lost. He was happily playing with a new-found friend and didn’t realize the danger of wandering away.

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  • A Sweet New Year
    October 1, 2013

    {image_1}Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, falls on September 4–5 this year. All over the globe, Jewish people will be celebrating with prayers and repentance at the synagogue and family get-togethers with lots of delicious food at home. As is true for most Jewish holidays, traditional foods are eaten that relate to the event that is being commemorated. Passover recalls the tears of slavery with salt water while a Hanukkah table remembers God’s miracle with foods fried in oil. And of course, these traditions often vary from community to community, having been influenced by local cuisine and the availability of ingredients, especially spices.

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  • Covenant of Love—A Look at Romans 1:16

    {image_1}One of the most enigmatic verses in all of Scripture appears in the Newer Testament as the Apostle Paul is writing to the fledgling church in Rome. In the book by that same name, Romans 1:16, he says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Messiah, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”

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  • Your Secret is Safe
    August 1, 2013

    {image_1}By Brian Blum, ISRAEL21c

    When your bank outsources customer service to India, how can the financial institution ensure that your data won’t fall into the wrong hands? What if your HMO [Health Maintenance Organization] shares files with an outside pharmaceutical research firm and inadvertently reveals your chronic illness?

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  • The Quiet in the Quake

    In the early 70s, my architect father was designing a school in a remote northern community. He occasionally had to go and inspect how the builders were progressing with its construction. {image_2}The only way to get to this community was by floatplane during the summer and fall, or by ice road in the winter. During ice-out in the spring, the community was inaccessible.

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  • Living Patiently in an Impatient World
    July 1, 2013

    For nearly 20 years, my husband and I were in full time Christian service in America. Our home became the center of our work and was a hub of activity 24 hours a day.{image_2} From infants to the retired, single moms to hurting families, we ministered the love of the Lord to all who came to us for help. We often had 20 people or more around our dinner table, many of whom lived with us for varying periods of time. One young woman with her two-year-old son became an integral part of our ministry and they lived with us for 11 years. With children around my feet and a phone to my ear, I wrote training and teaching materials for our staff while I counseled pregnant teens and led Bible studies. And through it all, I was known for my patience. Even-tempered and filled with the joy of the Lord, it was very hard to “ruffle my feathers.”

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