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Search Results for: In This Together

  • Psalms of Ascent
    June 1, 2013

    During the recent days of the Operation Pillar of Defense in Gaza, a Bridges for Peace volunteer in Israel was able to share Psalm 121 with a woman at the grocery store who was afraid. {image_2}The lady was then so encouraged by the message, she recited the chapter loudly for everyone around her to hear. She said, “I know that it was for me that I met you. I needed this so much!”

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  • Netanyahu Speaks… On Threat of Annihilation That Israel Faces from Iran
    May 29, 2013

    {image_1}On the eve of Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom HaShoah), Benjamin Netanyahu remembered the loss of the Jewish people during the Holocaust and went on to talk about the current threat of annihilation that Israel faces from Iran. “There are those who wish to extinguish our light. Iran openly declares its intent to destroy Israel and is pursuing all means to achieve that goal.” Netanyahu quoted Iranian clerics as saying that “Zionists are microbes and bacteria. The Jews are filthy people who spread disease.”

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  • Israel—a Nation of Innovators
    May 28, 2013

    {image_1}Recently the Dispatch from Jerusalem was invited to a media-only presentation which highlighted several Israeli companies in the field of bio-tech, the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make useful products, and medical devices. Steve Rhodes from The Trendlines Group, a company which invests in and develops new businesses, gave a short introduction, before representatives of the individual companies made their presentations.

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  • The Lord Is Building Up Zion
    May 1, 2013

    He is a mighty God. Never in recorded history has a people been dispersed from their homeland for near two millennia and then returned! Yet, that is what we are witnesses to, and we are not only observers but participants. In Psalm 102:16, the psalmist tells us that “For the LORD shall build up Zion;

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  • Israel’s Water Crisis Is Over
    April 2, 2013

    {image_1}After seven dry years that sent Israel into somewhat of a water austerity regimen, the Water Authority announced at the beginning of February that it was lifting the “severe drought” advisory issued for the water market several years ago. “The water crisis is over,” said Water Authority Head Alexander Kushner, adding that while the water market is stable, Israelis should not become complacent.

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  • The Changing Face of Egypt

    {image_1}The last pharaoh to rule Egypt was Cleopatra VII who committed suicide in 30 BC. In the ensuing years, the country would be governed by the Romans, the Persians and then the Islamic Empire. Conquering the region in AD 642 and reigning for the next 600 years, Muslim leaders would establish Islam as the primary religion in the country and Cairo as the seat of the Caliphate. In 1517, however, they would be unseated by the Ottoman Turks who would govern until 1882. Under this new leadership, Egypt would undergo dramatic change, fluctuating from a prosperous country with international trade partners to a nation in decline and back again. The Black Death would claim the lives of 40% of the population in 1350, and famine in the 18th century would take another 20%. With the defeat of the Egyptian army in 1882, Great Britain would then rule the country for 70 years. The Egyptian revolt in 1952 would finally gain independence for the nation and result in the establishment of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

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  • Building a Home Where the Antelope Roam

    {image_1}When tractors broke ground at the Gazelle Valley in Jerusalem in January 2013, a new and unique chapter in the city’s efforts to “go green” began. After a decades-long fight to keep developers away from the site, Israel will finally get its first wildlife nature park located within a city, and Jerusalem will have preserved a precious open space in its urban heartland.

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  • Whistle—Sharak

    {image_1}The Bible is filled with graphic depictions of the ways in which God communicates with His people. We are told that He calls to us, speaks as to a friend, thunders, roars, and even whispers in a still small voice. But many people are surprised to learn that He also says He whistles. The Hebrew word sharak (שרק) appears 19 times in the Bible and technically means to whistle, to hiss scornfully, or to pipe. It is sometimes translated to signal or to summon.

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  • Blood Test for Alzheimer’s

    {image_1}“Today, one of the main weaknesses in the Alzheimer’s area is that patients don’t find out until it’s too late,” says Ilya Budik, CEO of NeuroQuest, an Israeli company developing a novel blood test for early detection of the most common cause of dementia worldwide. “There are many new therapies under development, and the most successful trials are showing the earlier a patient is treated, the better likelihood of responding to the treatment,” he says.

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  • The Human Side of the Conflict
    April 1, 2013

    Mark Twain said, “If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're misinformed.” This is so true for the most complex societal issue of our time, commonly called {image_2}“The Israeli–Palestinian Conflict.” We are bombarded daily with phrases like cycle of violence, occupation, two-state solution, Palestinian refugees, illegal settlements, roadblocks to peace, Palestinian territory, and apartheid wall in the mainstream news media. Without an informed context in which to interpret these terms, the average news recipient remains woefully ill informed and swayed toward an international media bias against Israel. 

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  • You Are My Angels!

    “Dear friends, I don’t know who you are, but you are my Angels. The principal of the school told me that you are not even Jewish—that you are Christian friends of the Jewish children of Bet Shemesh. May the Lord bless you with good health for all the love you have for my children. Thanks

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  • Pray Without Ceasing
    March 1, 2013

    One of the few scriptural principles agreed upon by Christians regardless of denomination is the importance of prayer. Christianity and Judaism share the belief that prayer is a necessity and a privilege as well. Both religions are based on a relationship {image_2}with the God of the Universe and recognize that communication is critical to its success. And both acknowledge that such communication would be difficult, if not impossible, without the foundational instructions found in the Bible.

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