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Search Results for: In This Together

  • Lessons from the Wilderness
    December 1, 2010


    At a Bridges for Peace staff devotion, we were inspired by a dynamic God-Tube video about the 1992 British Olympic runner, Derek Redmond. Although Redmond had undergone eight surgeries prior to the games, he made the fastest time for the first round of the 400–meter race and also won the quarter–final. However, in the semi–final, his hamstring suddenly snapped, and he fell to the ground in excruciating pain. A stretcher was brought out to the track, and his father ran down from the stands to assist him. But instead of quitting, Redmond chose to finish the race and hobbled down the track holding on to his dad for support to the end. The entire stadium of 65,000 rose for a standing ovation. Though he didn’t win the prize he was after, he certainly taught thousands of people a lesson in endurance.

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  • Nano-size Stars of David


    A new type of nano-particle (one-billionth of something) resembling the six-pointed Star of David has been discovered by researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem headed by Professor Uri Banin. The Star of David-shaped particles come in sizes 10,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair! The discovery, the researchers say, may help in diagnosing diabetes or provide a catalyst to capture the sun's energy and turn it into clean fuel. Their work, they further believe, greatly contributes to understanding how hybrid nano-particles form.

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  • Is Anti-Zionism the New Anti-Semitism?
    November 1, 2010

    “You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.'  And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the    valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews—this is God's own truth.

    Martin Luther King Jr, “Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend” (August 1967)


    “In every generation, they rise up against us to destroy us.”

    Read by Jewish people worldwide in their annual Passover Haggadah (see Psalm 83:4)

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  • Mary: A First-century Jewish Woman
    October 1, 2010


    Unlike her husband Joseph, the historical record abounds with information about this enigmatic woman. Unfortunately, however, in studying that history, it is often difficult to separate fact from fiction. Hopefully, as we carefully examine the various teachings and traditions surrounding her life, we will be able to peel away the myth and discover the reality.

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  • The Sabbath—A Family Event:  Cholent
    September 20, 2010


    I don’t believe there’s anywhere in the world that honors the Sabbath like Israel does. Since most businesses are closed for the day, it’s almost impossible not to participate in this day of rest. The quiet is so wonderful! As busy a city as Jerusalem is, with all its horn-honking traffic jamming its narrow streets, one marvels that it’s possible for such a city to almost come to a halt. Does New York City or Tokyo or London ever rest?

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  • Difficult Days

    IDF Helicopter Accident in Romania:


    “This is a difficult day for all of Israel. We are choked up… hearing about how the heroes [six Israelis and one Romanian]fell from on high, and how the vessels of war fell to the earth.”

    — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

    “This year, Israeli and Romanian pilots [are] training together and make the supreme sacrifice together. This has resulted in a closer relationship between us, proving that we support each other in joy but especially in sorrow.”

    — Romanian Air Force Deputy Commander Alexander Glushka

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  • Change Is Coming
    David Nekrutman (front left) David Nekrutman Cheryl Hauer The Center for Jewsih-Christian Understanding and Cooperation in Efrat, Gush Etzion

    David Nekrutman is Executive Director of The Center for Jewish–Christian Understanding and Cooperation, established by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin to further interfaith communication. Cheryl Hauer is International Development Director of Bridges for Peace with significant experience in Jewish–Christian relations. Here they comment on the growing relationship between two unlikely groups: Orthodox Jews and evangelical Christians

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  • Changing the Face of the Desert

    Aryeh Schrieber has lived in Kibbutz Nirim in the northern Negev since 1950.  Now, aged 77, he has seen this part of the Negev Desert change from being one of the most arid regions in Israel to becoming a rich green, agricultural landscape. “When I came to live here sixty years ago, there was nothing growing. Today…there is almost a thousand acres of irrigated land producing all kinds of citrus fruits, potatoes, carrots, nuts as well as herds of dairy cows,” explains Schrieber with a twinkle in his eye. “Because of the many hours of sunshine, we are able to export all kinds of produce to Europe and Russia, particularly potatoes, because in winter in Europe and Russia, there is a local shortage of such vegetables. Not only that, our produce is of the highest quality.”

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  • Knowing and Loving God
    September 1, 2010


     “…The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment”(Mark 12:29–30, quoted from Deut. 6:4, 5). As Christians, this ultimate command of Yeshua (Jesus) should be our goal. We should love God with our whole being. As I think about loving someone, it is clear to me that you do not love someone you don’t know. You may admire them for their fame or appearance. You may read about them and find much to be lauded. But, until you know them, you will not really love them. The more we know the Lord, the more we should love Him.

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  • Compassion—Rachamim
    August 1, 2010

    {image_1}Rachamim is a highly emotion-packed word, most often used to describe God. It is defined as “bowels, tender love, and pity” and is always in plural form, possibly to convey the intensity of the emotion behind it, though it’s not always translated as plural. In Hebrew, it is closely associated with rechem (Strong’s H7358), or “womb,” so when used in reference to God, rachamim (H7356) focuses on His parental love. Just as a womb protects the helpless unborn child, so He longs to create “a fence around the chaos,” as one online Bible teacher put it.

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  • Politicians Take a Stand for Israel

    {image_1}Israel’s enemies are amassing against her and like a snowball rolling down a hill, they are gaining momentum as they go. International voices are vilifying Israel in the wake of the “flotilla affair” and accusations are rampant that she is an apartheid state, a Nazi regime, and a starver of Palestinian children. Statistics are being twisted and facts ignored in a frenzied attempt to delegitimize the nation. But in the midst of it all, growing numbers of parliamentarians worldwide are joining forces to support Israel within their governing bodies and to defend her in the international arena.

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  • Summer War?


    “The flood of hate is being led by Israel's enemies all over the world…Dark forces from the Middle Ages are raging against us…Be prepared for difficult days.”—Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

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