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Search Results for: In This Together

  • Almighty—Shaddai
    February 1, 2010

    IN the polytheistic world of the ancient Middle East, it was important to know the exact name of the god that you served. This gave you a glimpse into his character as well as a degree of power over him. Since these deities were seen as capricious and exacting, appeasing them was a part of everyday life. Mandated worship took up tremendous amounts of time and demanded huge gifts that primarily benefited the local priesthood.  There was no guarantee that one’s prayers were heard or would be answered if they were. Therefore, any information that would help manipulate such gods was very helpful. This may explain the question Moses put to God upon meeting Him in the burning bush: “…when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” (Exod. 3:13).

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  • In Range: The Missile Threat and Israel’s Response

    {image_1} One night in early November of last year, Israeli Navy commandos boarded a freighter ship flying an Antiguan flag in the Mediterranean Sea. The naval forces were looking for smuggled weapons heading for Hizbullah in Lebanon. What they found was staggering. According to Isranet, 320 tons of weapons, including rockets, mortars and more, were packed in crates aboard the ship, known as the Francop. Locating the origin of the arms was easy—IRISL (Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines) was clearly labeled on some of the containers.

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  • A Light to the Nations
    January 13, 2010


    God said that the Jewish people would be a blessing to the world (Genesis 12:3). We see that happening repeatedly as Israel is quick to respond to emergency situations around the world.

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  • Dressed for Protection
    January 1, 2010


    From the highest heavens to the deepest ocean, from the smallest insect to the leviathan, our Heavenly Father has often used the world around us to help us know Him better. He is a God whose eyes are continually on His creation, who sees into our hearts, who looks to and fro across the earth…a God to whom vision is important. Since we are created in His image, we are beings who not only rely on our sense of sight, but learn best by seeing. You might say we serve the God of visual aids. His Word is filled with tangible examples of spiritual concepts designed to help us better understand how we should behave or to bring clarity to complicated spiritual concepts. We are told of the advantages of being like a green olive tree in the house of the Lord (Ps. 52:8) or receiving blessing like a tree planted by streams of water (Ps. 1:3).  As His covenant relationship with His people grew and strengthened, He often instructed them by creating other kinds of visual aids that would become a part of daily life and serve as constant reminders of His presence, His love, and His instructions for living.

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  • OPEN House OPENS Hearts
    December 15, 2009

    By Rev. Cheryl Hauer,  BFP International Development Director

    {image_1}There is a saying about Jerusalem, that even though it is a city of over 700,000 people, it is really just a very large small town. Bridges for Peace’s recent participation in the community open house event, called “Houses from Within,” made that seem even truer than ever. For the second year in a row, Bridges for Peace had the privilege of opening its doors to Israelis from all over the Land as they visited historic Jerusalem buildings on walking tours. Last year, we were excited that we had 300 visitors during the two-day event. This year, we welcomed 820 people through our gates, not only to see our building, but to learn about the work we are doing to build bridges of friendship between Jews and Christians.

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  • Why was this night different from other nights?

    By Marnus Schoeman, BFP Group & Guest Relations Manager

    {image_1}This has been a question asked for centuries from generation to generation among the Jewish people during the Pesach (Passover) seder meal. You might wonder, why ask this question so long after Passover, which is celebrated in March–April? In August, The Land of the Bible Experience—an educational ministry of Bridges for Peace that provides Hebraic teaching through dramatic presentations—seized a wonderful opportunity to enact our Passover play to a  tour group of 585 Nigerian Christians!

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  • Tops in Technology
    December 14, 2009


    FIVE ISRAELI FIRMS have been chosen as examples of companies whose clean technology investments are shaping tomorrow’s world. The Cleantech Group together with the British newspaper The Guardian announced the Global Cleantech 100—the first ever awards to highlight the most promising clean technology startup companies around the world. The five companies made Israel the only country in the Middle East to have firms nominated and placed the country in fourth place overall in its total number of companies, coming after the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany.

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  • The Kingdom of God
    December 1, 2009


    Today, Christian congregations sing songs about “preparing the way.” But are we clear about what we are preparing the way for and how we are to do it? John the Baptist, who appears in the New Testament to prepare the way for Yeshua (Jesus), is a fitting place to start in answering those questions. John’s message, as well as Yeshua’s, was “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt. 3:2, 4:17). The kingdom of heaven was what they were preparing the people for. What exactly is the kingdom of heaven? If John prepared for it and Yeshua established it, what are we preparing for?

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  • They Come for Food and Experience Love
    November 1, 2009

    Bat-el (“daughter of God”) and her five children receive food from us. She writes: I did not sleep last night trying to think of what I wanted to say to you when I come in. I want you to know that I don’t have any family at home, no mom, dad, uncle, grandma, grandpa…it’s just

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  • James: The Guidebook to Holy Living


    Have you ever struggled with the desire to make yourself a better, more successful person? Or perhaps with a difficult relationship? Have you wondered how to cope with a challenging situation such as the loss of your job or stress in the workplace? Or asked yourself who you really are and what your purpose reallyis in life? Well, if you have, you are not alone. These are the four main categories that the current spate of self-help books deal with, and it seems people all over the globe are seeking the same answers. The self-help craze has become big business, with this genre selling somewhere between US $8 and $10 billion per year in America alone, over US $1 billion of that being specifically what is called “Christian self-help.”

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  • We Won’t Recognize Israel
    October 4, 2009

    {image_1}“We will maintain the resistance option in all its forms, and we will not recognize Israel. Not only don’t we demand that anyone recognize Israel; we don’t recognize Israel ourselves. However, the Palestinian Authority government is required to do it, or else it will not be able to serve the Palestinian people…I am certain that we will hinder all the traitors who wish to remove the resistance option from the movement’s charter.”

    —Senior Fatah official Rafik al-Natsheh, prior to the sixth General Assembly for the Palestinian Fatah party in August

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  • Meter Monitors Cows and Milk

    {image_1}Israeli company AfiMilk has developed a new meter that can monitor milk production in real time and online, giving dairy farmers critical information about possible contamination to milk supplies.

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