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Search Results for: In This Together

  • Israeli Doctors Volunteer in Gaza
    October 26, 2008

    {image_1}Prior to the recent Hamas-Fatah infighting and amid the uncertainty looming over Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, two Israeli doctors and volunteers at the Physicians for Human Rights organization in Israel, obtained special entry permits allowing them to cross into the Gaza Strip and perform complex plastic and orthopedic surgeries on children. Dr. Kassis Shukri, a plastic surgery specialist from Ziv Medical Center, and Dr. Mustafa Yassin, an orthopedist from the Rabin Medical Center, worked with the Palestinian medical team at the Shifa Hospital, Gaza’s main medical center, for two-and-a-half intensive days.

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  • Wireless Entertainment

    {image_1}There was a time when all you did was use one plug for your TV. Now, we are plagued with multiple cables for game consoles, DVDs, and other devices. Israeli company Amimon has developed a chipset solution that eliminates all those cables by separating the display section from the tuner section, requiring a single plug-in once again. Sharp, Sony, Samsung, Motorola, and Hitachi have rallied together with Amimon under the Wireless Home Digital Interface (WHDI). Sharp already has an Amimon wireless chip in a HDTV selling in Japan. The consortium also plans to include the chip in PCs, multimedia projectors, and game consoles.

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  • Yom Kippur Traditions:  Kreplach Recipe

    {image_2} Each of the biblical feasts has a symbolic food associated with it – even Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), the most severe fast of the year. A pre-fast feast helps worshippers make it through the 25-hour fast, which is observed much like a Shabbat (Sabbath) meal, except it is eaten before sundown. Table linens and clothing are white to symbolize the hope of sins forgiven. The best dishes are used, two candles are lit, and blessings over the wine and bread are recited. Sometimes the bread is decorated with birds to remind them that just as birds fly, so their prayers will rise quickly and be answered.

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  • Seeking God
    October 1, 2008


    David was one of the great seekers of God. I would like to say that he sought the Lord more than all others, but no one can judge a man’s heart, so we don’t know. However, of all writers of the Scriptures, he may have expressed a seeker’s heart better than all others. He was a passionate pursuer of God, and His words vividly illustrate that, painting pictures that help us understand a hunger for God that many believers may not even know is possible to experience.

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  • The Set-Apart Time
    September 1, 2008

    As I was praying about all these things and seeking the Lord for His strategy for the future, the image of a canoe came into my mind. No doubt many, like me, have gone canoeing when the water was calm, the sun was shining, and the current so lazy that you could lie back and

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  • Robots on IDF Patrol
    August 5, 2008

    {image_1} In April, G-Nius Unmanned Ground Systems unveiled to the press the Guardium UGV. Its goal is to “equip war fighters and law enforcers with systems that reduce combat friction and expedite decision cycles.” Straight from the Israeli Army operational laboratories, where it went through extensive operational trial and evaluation, the Guardium UGV revolutionizes the effectiveness of perimeter security.

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  • Now They Love School!
    August 1, 2008

    September is coming and, in Israel, that means it is back-to-school time. Most Israeli children look forward to school starting after the summer holidays, but others dread it. They are children whose families live in poverty. Like everywhere in the world, children want to be accepted by their peers. The pressure to be cool, to

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  • Our Vision Still Going Strong after 50 Years

    Over 50 years ago, founder of Bridges for Peace Dr. G. Douglas Young came to Israel and lived a life that showed God’s love in action to the Jewish people, while simultaneously educating the Church about Israel and the Hebraic roots of Christianity. Today, the staff of Bridges for Peace around the world keeps that vision alive through our actions and words.

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  • Cleaving to God
    July 1, 2008


    On a first reading of Leviticus 21, it seems that all it’s about is a list of restrictions placed on the priests by God in order for them to serve Him in the tabernacle. The High Priest had the most restrictions. From this, we learn that the closer to that most intimate place with God, the Holy of Holies, the more holy one had to be. As believers in Yeshua (Jesus), we yearn to be in an intimate place with God…and we are. Yeshua is our righteousness (2 Cor. 5:21), and we can enter boldly into the throne of grace (Heb. 4:16). God’s love is eternal, we are forgiven, and nothing can snatch us out of His hand (John 10:28). However, what about our love for Him? Unfortunately, our love has the ability to grow cold (Matt. 24:12), and we find that often we are not as close to Him as we should be or would like to be.

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  • Dramatic Increase in Food Prices
    June 4, 2008

    The United Nations World Food Programme called high food prices a
    “silent tsunami,” but it’s not just
    hitting Indonesia this time. Israel is also feeling the affect of the
    price surges. David Franklin, CEO of Sugat, Israel’s largest
    retail importer of rice, sugar, grains and more, said their grain and
    rice costs have gone up a minimum of 60% in the last year. Some food
    price increases over that time vary, however, since in some cases the
    price of sugar actually has declined after rising in cost a year ago.

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  • Signs of the Times
    June 1, 2008


    Every news report we hear reveals another crisis, and it seems most areas of human existence are affected. Financially weak currencies, unstable stock markets, and overwhelming national and personal debt have many analysts theorizing that we are on the brink of a recession of a magnitude not seen since the great depression. Morally, we live in an age that would shock our grandparents. Then there is the threat of world war, as radical Islam confronts Western civilization. Physically, we see an increase in earthquakes, floods, tornados, and droughts. We are reminded of the words of Yeshua (Jesus): “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:7–8).

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  • The Tabernacle—God’s Dwelling Place
    April 1, 2008


    Nachmanides, 13th-century Jewish sage and scholar, calls Exodus “The Book of Redemption” because it begins with the Jewish people in slavery to the Egyptian, traces their remarkable deliverance, and comes to an end with the establishment of the Tabernacle in the wilderness. Once Moses had completed this amazing structure, according to all that God had told him, the glory of the Lord filled it so that even Moses himself was not able to enter (Exod. 40:33–35). Further, the Scriptures tell us that the cloud covered the Tabernacle by day, and the fire was over it by night in the sight of all the house of Israel (vv. 36–38). What a glorious picture this creates of God Himself, hovering over His people, protecting and guiding them, leading them in and out “throughout all of their journeys.”

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