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Search Results for: In This Together

  • A Study of Psalm 46—God is with Us
    January 1, 2007

    {image_1} A storm is coming. Any political analyst will tell you so. In fact, anyone who follows the news even occasionally would agree. It is no doubt a storm, the proportions of which, most of us underestimate. “Behold evil is going forth from nation to nation, and a great storm is being stirred up from the remotest parts of the earth. Those slain by the LORD on that day will be from one end of the earth to the other” (Jer. 25:32–33a, NASB).

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  • A Hanukkah Miracle
    December 3, 2006

    “Whosoever preserves a single soul, Scripture ascribes merit to him as though he had preserved a complete world.”
    —Mishna, Tractate Sanhedrin

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  • CHOSEN—at a Price
    December 1, 2006

    {image_1} On the slopes of Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa stands a magnificent building, the Mount Nelson Hotel, a testimony to South Africa’s bygone era as a British colony. As a child, I remember my awe as I entered the expansive, gloomy foyer where people spoke in hushed voices and glided about noiselessly on thick pile carpets. The focal point in the foyer was a well-lit display cabinet, advertising South Africa’s finest diamond jewelry. The combination of the gloom, the location of the cabinet, and its valuable contents captured almost everyone’s attention. In a sense, it was the “Israel” of the hotel foyer!

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  • ISRAEL—Whose Land Is It?
    November 1, 2006

    “Next year in Jerusalem!” 

    {image_1} This has been the heartfelt cry of countless thousands of Jewish people over the centuries. It is recited daily in prayer, spoken out with longing and rejoicing, cried out in adversity, often hidden deep within hearts, and even thought of as an answer to dreams. What or whom has made this statement a reality for so many Jewish people from the time of Abraham to David––when Jerusalem was acknowledged as the capital of Israel in 1000 BC––right up to the past 100 years?

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  • Things I Have Learned in Israel
    October 1, 2006


    In the seventeen years I have lived in Israel, I have been blessed to learn many things which have given me fresh insight on the Scriptures. Some say that my husband and I, and the staff of Bridges for Peace, have given our lives to the Lord’s call to Israel. That is true, but what is also true is that Israel has given us new life as well. Christians who visit Israel invariably remark about how their Bible reading has come to life after a trip to Israel. In this Israel Teaching Letter, I want to share a few things that I have learned.

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  • More on Megiddo Prison Find
    September 5, 2006

    In the January-February issue of the Dispatch, we wrote about the oldest Christian church discovered in Megiddo prison, which includes an inscription in a mosaic that says, “The God-loving Aketous has offered this table to the God Jesus Christ as a memorial.” It is the first time, anywhere in the world, that the name of Jesus has been found in a mosaic.

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  • Secular or Religious

    Israel is a unique place, where the secular and the religious mix at all levels of society, often causing cultural clashes. There are rifts in Israeli society between the two groups, who don’t agree on a wide variety of issues affecting everyday life. Israel has a mainly secular government, but the chief rabbis and the rabbinical court control many aspects of life, including marriage, divorce, burial, and conversion to Judaism. There is not a clear separation of Church and State in Israel like in many western countries.

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  • Children uncover a Mosaic

    Just before the summer break, a group of Jewish and Arab fifth and sixth graders unearthed a mosaic floor as part of a year-long archaeological enrichment program, sponsored by the Israel Antiquities Authority.

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  • I Will Be With You
    September 1, 2006

    Israel is currently passing through deep waters and is being literally attacked with fire, as rockets rain down on her relentlessly day after day from Hizbullah forces in Lebanon. Since 1948, Israel has fought eight wars against hostile neighbors who want nothing less than her total annihilation. Now, Israel is forced to fight another war

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  • Israeli Water Know-How in China
    August 3, 2006

    China and Israel will work together to introduce Israeli water technology into the world’s most populous nation under a cooperation agreement reached with China’s Ministry of Water Resources during the recent Water Expo in Beijing.

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  • Ahmadinejad: “Let Israelis Return to Their Homelands”

    Why do you think they [Jews] are safe in Palestine? These people, who left their homelands as a result of your [allies of WWII] pressure and anti-Judaism, went to a country that did not belong to them. Different minorities from different countries came to live side by side, just like pieces of paper joined together with a paper clip. They live in an atmosphere of insecurity on a daily basis. I’ve said this once, and I’ll say it again: Open the gates of this big prison. Allow these people to decide freely, and you will see that they will return to their homelands. Of course, you must first let go of your anti-Judaism. You must let go of it. We believe that just like the rest of mankind, the Jews have the right to live a life of prosperity, freedom, and security. Set them free, and let them return to their homelands.”

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  • Face-2-Face

    The beginning of something new…

    On June 11, 2006, 45 young adults––mostly college students––went into the Judean desert for a unique face-to-face experience. What was interesting about this event is that it involved three different groups: 16 Jewish students from the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya representing StandWithUs (SWU), 19 Christian students on a tour with Eagles’ Wings, and 5 long-term young adult volunteers from Bridges for Peace in Jerusalem. This was a face-to-face encounter aimed at bringing Christians and Jews together, young people who love the Land of Israel and have a passion for Zionism.

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