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Search Results for: In This Together

  • Israel–God’s Treasured Possession
    December 11, 2005

    Recently, I went to Netanya, on the Mediterranean Sea and spent three days alone with God. I walked on the nearly deserted beach and talked with God. I admired His creativity as I drank in the surroundings: the crashing waves of the sea, the blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds, the delicate sea shells, the rocks shaped by the waves, and the water birds hunting for a fish breakfast. As I was expressing my love to the Creator, I suddenly was filled with a new awareness of His love for me. Amazing!  The Almighty God––who with a word from His mouth created this beauty––loves me.

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  • Millions Of Christians Pray For Israel
    November 27, 2005

    Tens of millions of Christians around the world joined their voices in prayer on October 2, calling on the Creator of heaven and earth to send His peace to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.

    According to the United States-based leadership behind the second annual International Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, Bible-believers, in churches and meetings across the globe, focused their thoughts and prayers on the ancient metropolis whose name in Hebrew means “city of peace.”

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  • Ashkelon Desalinization Plant Up and Running

    The much anticipated Ashkelon water desalinization plant is up and running, with treated seawater already being supplied to the Negev from the Mediterranean Sea.

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  • Wheels of Success
    November 21, 2005

    For college students, living close to campus is important, but Jerusalem’s Hadassah College’s School for Industrial Design student, Elisha Wetherhorn, is actually delighted that he didn’t find a close place to live––otherwise the Rider, his invention designed to ease the plight of commuters, might never have been born.

    Now he’s hoping his urban tricycle––a lightweight (14kg. or 30lbs.) folding bike with an electric motor that you can take on the bus––will soon be a common sight in centers around the world with potential investors in Tel Aviv, India, London, and the United States.

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  • Brothers in Arms Israeli Soldier Discovers Christian Love

    My story doesn’t begin with me; it actually begins with my grandfather. In 1916, at age 15, he walked from Russia to Israel. It took him over a year. He sought new life and hope in what would hopefully become the new Jewish state.

    My father was born in Jerusalem and grew up hearing wonderful stories. When he was growing up, Jews were forbidden to enter the Old City during the holidays. My grandfather would take his small family close to the Old City walls—as close as he could possibly get—and describe the Western Wall to my father.

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  • Psalm 23

    Mllions of people think of Psalm 23 as the gentle comfort of the loving Shepherd embodied in words. It’s true. It is a picture of comfort that has lived down through the ages. I like to look at familiar Scriptures and see if there is anything that I missed on the first reading. Recently, when I read Psalm 23, I began to see some additional insights.

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  • Hebraic Roots: The Origin Of Immersion
    November 1, 2005

    The history of immersion has been submerged in muddy waters. One matter is certain: baptism means immersion, and immersion was the original way to baptize. Whether there were other ways to satisfy the mode of immersion, and whether the subject should be a babe or a believer are matters of historical and contemporary debate. A consensus on origins would be nice, but one does not appear forthcoming. Gordon Lathrop noted: “Behind the word-service stands the synagogue; behind the Christian meal stand the meal-patterns of hellenistic Judaism. There is no such consensus about the origins of Christian baptism” (Lathrop, 505).

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  • From My Heart…
    October 3, 2005

    The International Board of Bridges for Peace announces the appointment of Rebecca Brimmer as our chief executive officer (CEO).

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  • The Return to Zion—Aliyah in God’s Plan for Israel
    October 1, 2005

    {image_1}We are living in a special time in history! It is a time when God is fulfilling His Word to Israel in the sight of the whole earth. He is bringing the Jewish people back to Israel—over one million in the past 15 years. We are seeing Bible prophecy being fulfilled with our own eyes. Those of us who live in Israel not only read about Bible prophecy, or see it being fulfilled on the daily news, but also reach out and touch it, as we hug new immigrants from around the world. The prophet Jeremiah talked about this day when he said, “‘Therefore behold, the days are coming,’ says the Lord, ‘that it shall no more be said, “The Lord lives who brought up the children of Israel from the land of Egypt,” but, “The Lord lives who brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north and from all the lands where He had driven them.” For I will bring them back into their own land which I gave to their fathers’” (Jeremiah 16:14–15).

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  • Calling All Engines
    September 20, 2005

    An Internet search engine, using voice-recognition software, a microphone, and speakers, has been developed by researchers at Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev in Beersheva. The system, which conducts searches in response to spoken instructions rather than words keyed in as text, operates on any personal computer.

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  • Standing with Israel, Is Standing with God
    September 1, 2005

    Israel is in the news every day. You can pick up any newspaper or newsmagazine or watch the television news, and there will usually be something about Israel. You will hear about many of the problems, issues, and conflicts Israel faces, both on an individual and a corporate level. You will hear about suicide bombers, terror attacks, and war. But, as strange as it may sound, these are only symptoms of a bigger problem. That problem is spiritual.

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  • Called To Serve
    August 11, 2005

    With a smile, the waitress asked, “May I serve you?” as she handed menus to Richard Bristol and Pieter Marais, from our Food Bank. They were eating lunch at Carmei Ha’ir (Vineyards of the City), a Jerusalem restaurant near Machane Yehuda, a popular outdoor fruit and vegetable market. The food served was delicious, with meat and fish choices, and the service was prompt and courteous. Certainly, this was a restaurant to remember. But, wait, this was no ordinary restaurant! When they finished eating, no one brought a bill or asked for payment.

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