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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

War on Children

March 26, 2024

In war, the most vulnerable individuals affected are children of all ages. On October 7, a wave of over 3,000 Hamas terrorists surged through Israel’s security fence at 28 locations along the border and slammed into communities like Kibbutz Be’eri, Kfar Aza, Re’im, Nahal Oz, Nir Oz, Sderot and more. They slaughtered everyone they encountered.

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What Will We Do Now?

July 18, 2022

I was recently in a grocery store in Springfield, Missouri. There was food in every aisle of the huge store. Then I traveled back to Israel. Although the stores were a little smaller, there was also food in every aisle. Although there is plenty of food, the prices have gone up. In Israel, food prices

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Feed a Child, Impact a Community

July 26, 2021

A new school year is starting in Israel. Just like everywhere, there are lots of things to buy: school clothes, a backpack, shoes, notebooks, pens—and in Israel, school books. In some schools, the children wear uniforms—another expense. The textbooks alone cost about US $150 per child. For families in socioeconomic distress, these necessary expenses are

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Desks, Chairs and School Repairs for Levine Elementary School

November 27, 2019

Give the Basics of Education to Needy Israeli Children  Bridges for Peace is seeking to bring new life to the Levine Elementary School, a very poor school that is in desperate need of repair. Join us in raising US $50,000 to do repairs and maintenance, upgrade the facilities and outfit classrooms with tables and chairs.

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Let Your Light Shine

September 23, 2019

Come with me today to Beit Shemesh, a growing town between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, which dates its history to ancient times. The name means House of the Sun and refers to the biblical event when the sun stood still for Joshua. It is a place where ancient and modern meet with one thing in

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Will We Have Enough?

July 25, 2018

“Will we have enough to make it through the month?” Ruth Barazani* ponders this question every month when the bills pile up and two teenagers look to her to meet their needs. Ruth is a medical photographer, a single mom and just barely scraping by. On top of the financial worries, she also bears the

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Giving Israeli Children Hope for a Bright Future

July 3, 2017

I am often asked, “What is your favorite Bridges for Peace project?” I love them all, but, my personal favorite is the Feed a Child Program. I love to give children a chance to succeed in school. I love that their parents, the school officials, teachers and community workers all become aware of the deep

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Children Are the Future

July 1, 2016

Ten years ago we started the Feed a Child Program to give children from low social economic backgrounds the opportunity to succeed in school. Today we work with 10 schools, helping 400 children. We provide them with a new backpack filled with textbooks, notebooks, a water bottle, a pencil kit filled with useful items and

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A Profound and Lasting Impact through our Feed a Child Program

May 1, 2015

Few things are as devastating to parents as watching helplessly while poverty deprives their children of happiness and success. It is a well-known fact that children who live in poverty are less likely to succeed academically or socially. These same children have a much greater chance of exhibiting behavioral problems, inability to concentrate, even depression.

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School Days

October 1, 2014

September is a happy time in Israel as students stream back to school after their summer break. It is time to greet friends, and to share stories of all the fun they have experienced. At least it should be that way. Tragically, this year most Israeli children had tales of war, of running for bomb

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Thankful Hearts and Blessing Hands

August 1, 2013

Recently members of our Israel team decided to join an Israeli initiative to cease all complaining, choosing instead pray and bless others, during the 40 days leading up to the 9th of Av. Initiator Zeb Stub says, “Why these 40 days? This is the period that tradition associates with the biblical sin of the spies.”

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You Are My Angels!

April 1, 2013

“Dear friends, I don’t know who you are, but you are my Angels. The principal of the school told me that you are not even Jewish—that you are Christian friends of the Jewish children of Bet Shemesh. May the Lord bless you with good health for all the love you have for my children. Thanks

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School Is Starting!

August 1, 2012

In just a few weeks, summer vacation will finish, and the children of Israel will once again be in school. For most children, this is a happy time, a time to see friends again and get involved with their studies. But, not all children look forward to the first day of school. Some children’s families

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Helping Children at Risk

February 1, 2012

At the end of December, the National Council for the Child presented its annual report to President Shimon Peres. Tragically, it indicates that one out of every three Israeli children is poor. The report also claims there is an increase in the number of children who have fallen victim to physical and sexual abuse. President

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A Life — Too Precious to Waste

August 1, 2011

As I entered the school property in Beit Shemesh along with others of our BFP leadership team, we were blessed to see children laughing, smiling, and chattering animatedly. Their school experience is a happy one due to the support they receive from Christian sponsors around the world. Several years ago when we started the Feed

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BFP in ACTION: Give an Israeli Child a Future

August 1, 2010

Many of Israel’s population have never climbed out of the pit of poverty. They came as new immigrants with nothing. Many who arrived in the early days of the State lived in maabarot (tent cities), sometimes for years, before moving into sub-standard walk-up apartments. We meet families who are now in the third and fourth

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Summer Time Blessings

August 1, 2009

Israel is in the midst of another long hot summer. It is a land of perpetual sunshine from March till November. There is no need to check the weather forecast because every day is the same—hot and sunny. It simply does not rain. When school lets out at the end of June, the sound of

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Excited About Bread?

April 1, 2009

Recently, our Board visited some of the schools we work with through our Feed a Child Program. At one junior high school, the principal was very enthusiastic about the assistance we give to youngsters in his school. Sponsored children receive a lunch every day, school books, a backpack, summer camp, and paid participation in school

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Now They Love School!

August 1, 2008

September is coming and, in Israel, that means it is back-to-school time. Most Israeli children look forward to school starting after the summer holidays, but others dread it. They are children whose families live in poverty. Like everywhere in the world, children want to be accepted by their peers. The pressure to be cool, to

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Feed a Child in Israel

July 1, 2006

“Half of the children in our school cannot afford to buy lunch, even though we subsidize the cost.” The school principal was speaking to us with tears in his eyes, as he described the suffering of the children, many of them Ethiopians. We walked into one of the classrooms and saw the beautiful first-grade children,

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