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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

What Will We Do Now?

July 18, 2022

I was recently in a grocery store in Springfield, Missouri. There was food in every aisle of the huge store. Then I traveled back to Israel. Although the stores were a little smaller, there was also food in every aisle. Although there is plenty of food, the prices have gone up. In Israel, food prices

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We Are Weeping

March 15, 2022

  Tears are falling as the bombs rip apart buildings, infrastructure and families. We are in the midst of the greatest refugee crisis since World War II. If tanks, bombs and missiles were not enough, those fleeing also contend with freezing temperatures as well as fuel and food shortages. The trains are packed to double

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Has God Forgotten?

January 17, 2022

For The Jewish Elderly living in Ukraine, life has been harsh. Their lives have gone from the ghettos and concentration camps of the Holocaust era to the tyranny of Stalin and then to the crushing poverty of today. I’ve been in their ramshackle houses, smelled the odor of poverty, seen their despair and had my

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Surviving on Hope

February 25, 2019

“What did you have for breakfast?” I asked the elderly Jewish lady in front of me. “A cup of tea,” she replied. “And what will you have for dinner?” I asked her, hoping for a more promising response. “A cup of tea,” came the same heartbreaking reply. As we stood in the soup kitchen filled

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Helping Holocaust Survivors—Survive

January 1, 2016

Their nightmares are filled with pain: Nazi boots marching and kicking, attack dogs barking, running in the forest, hunger, disease and loss, gas chambers, cattle cars full of people, starving people. They are Holocaust survivors. After the war they emerged from the Nazi camps—hollow–eyed refugees, their health destroyed and lacking the funds to start over.

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Food Prices Double in Ukraine

June 1, 2014

I just heard from our Project Tikvah (Hope) director with the shocking news that food prices have doubled in Ukraine. For the people being helped by Project Tikvah soup kitchens, this is not just an inconvenience—it is a disaster. Already they were on a forced diet because of their economic situation. I have been in

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Julius Gets Cold

January 1, 2013

He gets hungry. He is old. He faces difficult suffering, but Julius Rechter is a survivor. He has lived through worse times. When he was a young boy, he was sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau where he was tattooed with the number A-4912. Because of his age, he was transferred to a plant where the Germans were

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Blessing the Left Behind

June 1, 2012

 “Why do You forget us forever, and forsake us for so long a time?” (Lam. 5:20). These were the words spoken through the prophet Jeremiah, most likely voicing the lament of the Jewish people left behind after the destruction of the Temple by the Babylonians. Today, there still remain Jewish people left behind in Eastern

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Forgotten and Forsaken?

June 1, 2010

In cities and villages all over the Ukraine, thousands of Jewish people exist in poverty. The exact numbers of Jewish people remaining in this country, which was once part of the Soviet Union, is debatable. Estimates range from 100,000 – 500,000. No one knows for sure as many simply don’t want to be identified as

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Pure and Undefiled Religion

July 1, 2008

The people we assist exist on the edge of disaster. They eat simple basic food, nothing elaborate or special. Their homes are ramshackle. The help we give often is just enough to make the difference between life and death. They literally depend on us for their lives. One such man is Alfred Schreyer, 86 years

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Feed My Lambs, Feed My Sheep

May 1, 2007

Yeshua (Jesus) said, “I am the good shepherd” (John 10:11a). A shepherd in biblical times spent his life with the sheep, making sure they were fed, protected, and sheltered. In the last recorded conversation between Yeshua and Peter, Yeshua asked Peter three times if he loved Him, and then directed him to “feed My lambs…tend

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