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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Israel—75 Years of Blessing

April 24, 2023

Seventy-five years ago on May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation after the Jewish people were in exile for nearly 2,000 years. Music, dancing and jubilation filled the streets as the 650,000 Jewish residents rejoiced in the miracle of Zion reborn. That year, Israel absorbed another 650,000 Jewish refugees as the Arab nations rejected their

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Meeting Immigrant Needs with a Blessing of Blankets, Music and More

March 2, 2023

We were in Karmiel recently to arrange for a concert by a professional Christian choir from Japan. The choir will participate in the March of the Living in Poland, a silent trek from Auschwitz to Birkenau on Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day in April, and then come to Israel, as many Jewish people did at the

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Changing Times

August 23, 2022

2022 has been a year of changes, uncertainty and great difficulty. The invasion of Ukraine has devastated lives and infrastructure in the country. Many people have become refugees with uncertain futures. Worldwide insecurity caused by the pandemic deepened because of the war with supply chains interrupted, inflation, soaring fuel costs and threats to the food

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Ukrainian Jews Arriving

April 27, 2022

Since the war started in Ukraine, Bridges for Peace has been at work partnering with Christians in Ukraine and the surrounding nations as well as Israeli governmental bodies. We have concentrated on rescuing Jewish people and helping fly them to Israel, providing food to those in need and helping fund an Israeli field hospital. We

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Called for a Time of Crisis Such as This

January 27, 2020

Balagan is the Israeli word that comes to mind. It means confusion or a big mess. We are seeing it on more than one front, and it is affecting Israel and the people that live here. On one hand the icy fingers of winter have entered our homes, while on the other, the geopolitical temperature

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God’s Strategic Plan

January 31, 2018

When Israel became a nation in 1948, absorbing Jewish refugees and immigrants was a priority. On the ministry of Foreign Affairs website we read, “In accordance with the concept of the ‘ingathering of the exiles’ which lies at the heart of Israel’s raison d’être, the gates of the country were thrown open, affirming the right

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New Beginnings

January 1, 2015

It’s a new year. It is a time when we reassess our lives, make resolutions and start new endeavors. Whether we are determined to get fit, start a new ministry or change habits, all beginnings take effort. In Israel millions of people are in the season of new beginnings. I frequently engage in conversations, often

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Practical Gifts for Practical Needs

April 1, 2010

Making aliyah—the dream of a Jewish family to return to Israel, the land of their forefathers—is an exciting event in the lives of new immigrants coming to Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Tiberias, Haifa, Beersheva, and countless other communities across Israel. But such a drastic move also involves plenty of practical considerations. There’s only so much you

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