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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Fleeing the Storm

September 27, 2023

With lungs burning, his face drenched in sweat Max carried his four-year-old autistic son, Leon, to the Ukrainian—Moldovan border. Max’s eyes held a fixed stare of desperation as the border loomed ahead. Could he get his family to safety? Tatiana, Max’s wife, tried to match the determined pace of her husband. She recalled the moment

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All the Way Home

August 1, 2023

Julia’s tears started flowing the moment our team arrived. Embarrassed, she wipe at her cheeks. “It’s okay,” I said. “You can cry.” And so she did. The tears flowed as Julia—flanked by her sons, Lev, 18, and Chaim, 13—watched the BFP volunteers fill their empty apartment with gifts. First came a dining room table and

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Israel—75 Years of Blessing

April 24, 2023

Seventy-five years ago on May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation after the Jewish people were in exile for nearly 2,000 years. Music, dancing and jubilation filled the streets as the 650,000 Jewish residents rejoiced in the miracle of Zion reborn. That year, Israel absorbed another 650,000 Jewish refugees as the Arab nations rejected their

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Influx of Jews Fleeing Russia

December 23, 2022

Last year was a year of intense rescue operations to help the Jewish refugees from Ukraine get to Israel. It was heart wrenching to see the horror reflected in their eyes. Immigration to Israel (aliyah) was at a high level, with over 63,000 Jewish people arriving between September 2021 and September 2022. War creates chaos,

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Changing Times

August 23, 2022

2022 has been a year of changes, uncertainty and great difficulty. The invasion of Ukraine has devastated lives and infrastructure in the country. Many people have become refugees with uncertain futures. Worldwide insecurity caused by the pandemic deepened because of the war with supply chains interrupted, inflation, soaring fuel costs and threats to the food

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What Will We Do Now?

July 18, 2022

I was recently in a grocery store in Springfield, Missouri. There was food in every aisle of the huge store. Then I traveled back to Israel. Although the stores were a little smaller, there was also food in every aisle. Although there is plenty of food, the prices have gone up. In Israel, food prices

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Caring for Jews from War-torn Ukraine

June 16, 2022

The horrific war stories continue to come across our screens. We have the luxury of scrolling on to the next story, but those living in Ukraine have no such option. Since war broke out in Ukraine, we have been helping in every way possible. Over 20,000 Ukrainian refugees had arrived in Israel by May, and

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Save a Life, Save a Universe

May 23, 2022

In Jewish thought, every human life saved is like saving an entire universe. Berthe, a Holocaust survivor, stood in front of our group and told her story. A Christian widow and her two children took her in during the Holocaust, the darkest time in Jewish history, saving her from almost certain death at the hands

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Crisis Deepens for Ethiopian and Ukrainian Jews

December 20, 2021

I am writing this with a heavy heart. Jewish lives are at risk. People are facing some of the most perilous times. I have received urgent appeals from leaders in Israel asking for help for the Ethiopian Jews and from our team in Ukraine. Please read about the situations and ask the Lord if you

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How Will I Support My Family?

June 21, 2021

This is the number one question people ask when considering moving to Israel. Over the years we have helped over 80,000 Jewish people come home to Israel. We have welcomed them with blankets, pots and pans, school kits and Hebrew Scriptures. We have given them appliances. We have provided food. We have sponsored thousands on

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Aliyah in the Coronavirus Era

July 27, 2020

As we were praying about 2020, we prayed about having clear vision. How could any of us have envisaged the new reality we are living in? International travel at almost a standstill, daily reports on the statistics of coronavirus victims, economic struggles, unemployment rates at record high levels and uncertainty of when the situation will

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The Return: It’s Important to God

June 3, 2019

In recent months, I have thought often about the things God loves. I want to know what is important to Him. As we read through the Bible, God’s love for Israel and the Jewish people is a constant theme. He made many promises to them, and today He is fulfilling those promises one by one.

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Coming Home

September 3, 2018

“He will set up a banner for the nations, and will assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth” (Isa. 11:12). It was a blistering hot summer day in Israel when we gathered with 500 others in an airplane hangar in a remote corner

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Entering the LAND

May 31, 2018

Ruth, the Moabite woman, entered the land of Israel with her mother-in-law Naomi at the time of the barley harvest. I have always loved the biblical story, showing God’s great provision for these two destitute women who were without hope. Today many immigrants arrive in Israel much like Ruth and Naomi—with very few belongings, very

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Re-uniting B’nei Menashe Families

July 31, 2017

We were transfixed as we listened to Michael Freund, head of Shavei Israel, an organization which is finding lost tribes of Israel and helping them to come home. “Bringing these people home is part of the Divine plan.” He explained that most of the Jewish people in Israel are from the tribe of Judah (and

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A Groan Is Heard in Heaven

April 3, 2017

This month we celebrate Passover (Pesach). The nation of Israel will observe the Passover for seven days. The holiday begins with a meal and a program called a seder. During this holiday every detail of their slavery in Egypt and their deliverance will be talked about, sung about and celebrated. The children of Israel endured

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B’nei Menashe Hard-Hit by Earthquake

February 1, 2016

A 6.7 point earthquake that struck Manipur, India early in January devastated many of the B’nei Menashe Jews. Thankfully, loss of life was minimal, but property damage was significant. Many lost everything and need basic supplies—water, food, medicine and shelter. For the past few years we have been helping to bring them home to Israel,

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Light Overcomes Darkness

February 1, 2015

In the aftermath of a weekend of terror in France, Ynet, an Israeli news source published an article titled “The Forces of Darkness Are Winning.” The first lines of the article read, “Jihadi extremism is becoming more powerful and the free world is simply not coping; the far-right is not the answer, but neither is

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Our Prayers Have Been Answered!

December 1, 2013

Michael Freund, head of Shavei Israel and an Orthodox Jew, recently sent me a note asking for prayer. “May I ask you and the other members of Bridges to raise us up in prayer and to ask G-d to put it in the hearts and minds of the members of the Israeli cabinet to vote

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A Prophesied Move

February 1, 2013

My husband and I are moving in two days. We are downsizing to a smaller apartment in Jerusalem. I can tell you that moving is stressful. In fact, experts cite moving as one of the major stressors that people deal with. My apartment is full of boxes; there are piles of things to give away

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From the East, West, North, and South

July 1, 2012

“Fear not, for I am with you; I will bring your descendants from the east, and gather you from the west; I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not keep them back!’ Bring My sons from afar, and My daughters from the ends of the earth.” (Isa. 43:5–6).

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The Return of a Lost Tribe of Israel to Zion

October 10, 2011

We are living in extraordinary times. The hand of G-d in the affairs of man is evident, and there is no greater proof of this than the ingathering of the exiles from the four corners of the earth. “Bring My sons from afar, and My daughters from the ends of the earth,” declares the L-rd

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God Keeps His Word!

September 1, 2011

The streets of Israel are full of people speaking a multitude of languages. In northern Tel Aviv, you are very likely to hear French, as Jewish immigrants from France have settled there. Other parts of the country have attracted Jews from Russian-speaking countries and in other areas, Spanish or English. They are all proof that

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