by: Rebecca J. Brimmer, International President and CEO, Bridges for Peace
Rebecca J. Brimmer, International President and CEO of Bridges for Peace
Editor’s note: This week BFP International President and CEO, Rebecca Brimmer, spoke at a “Night to Honor Our Christian Allies” held in Jerusalem and sponsored by the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and the World Jewish Congress. The goal of this annual event is to provide an opportunity for Israeli leaders and Jewish community leaders from around the world to say thank you to Israel’s Christian supporters. We are sharing the text of her speech to bless and encourage those in the nations who faithfully stand in prayer with the people of Israel during these tumultuous times. Without you, our global partners, we would not be able to fulfill our mandate from God to build strong and supportive relationships with the Jewish community. Please consider joining us by sending a donation today.
Friday, 27 January 2017 | The past month has been momentous. I arrived in the United States to visit family on Dec 23. Immediately I heard the distressing news of the UN resolution 2334 against Israel. I was deeply disappointed that the leader of my birth nation did not veto this lopsided resolution against Israel.
Next came the Paris Peace Conference—70 nations gathering to discuss Israel and the Palestinians. Of course the number 70 captured my attention, as well as many in the Jewish world. We know that 70 symbolizes the whole world—it seemed like all the nations of the world were coming against little Israel. Many Jewish people were asking if this gathering was leading to Gog and Magog. They recalled the words of Zechariah who spoke of all nations coming against Israel. There were fears about what the final outcome would be.
Then we learned that there would be a UN open discussion on the Middle East on January 17. Many posited that there might be an attempt to recognize a Palestinian State.
It was clear that Obama and many leaders were trying to make facts on the ground that would hinder the ability of President-elect Trump to fulfill his promises to Israel. We will live with the repercussions of Resolution 2334 into the future.
I had the opportunity to speak with many Christians about these threats. I know that Christians all over the world were praying. They flooded social media with information about these events encouraging other Christians to stand with Israel in prayer and action. AND. WE. DID. We prayed with great fervor. Christians went to Washington DC and talked with their senators and representatives urging them to come to Israel’s aid.
We were so pleased that the Paris peace Conference ended with a fizzle instead of a bang. Prime Minister Theresa May in the United Kingdom, a Christian who loves Israel refused to sign the final statement! God used her to play a pivotal role, reportedly blocking an EU Foreign Affairs Council decision adopting the closing statement of the Paris peace conference.
Let me remind you of a story that you all know well. It is written in the book of Esther, and we read it every Purim. A wicked leader, Haman, conspired against the Jewish people. He caused a resolution to be enacted calling for the death of all Jews. When Queen Esther brought it to the attention of the King, he was unable to change a law that had already been signed. President Trump may be in a similar situation—as much as he (and the Senate and Congress) hate the fact that the US under the leadership of Obama allowed the bill to pass, they may not be able to change it.
My mother has a saying for when things seem impossible. She says, “But, God.” By this she means that even if it is impossible for us, God is able. Back to our story in Esther. The King could not change the law, but he was smart and he enacted a second law (a work around law) which said the Jewish people could defend themselves. The Jewish people were saved.
One way that I am praying is that God will give President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu strategic (out of the box, work around) ideas that can safeguard Israel in the days to come.
Yes, the nations came against Israel in Paris, but there are people who have not come against the God of Israel and the nation of Israel.
Today we think of nations as political entities, but in the Bible it often was more about people groups. In the Bible in Exodus 19:5-6 we read this, “Now then, if you will indeed obey My Voice and keep My Covenant, then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine: and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words that you shall speak to the sons of Israel” (NASB).
It seems to me that this passage is talking about a holy people—the Jewish people. The nations may all turn against Israel, but there is a nation (a people) that God calls holy. As a Christian this is very interesting to me. Thousands of years later a Jewish man called Peter also known as the Apostle Peter, living here in Israel during the Second Temple period, said something similar to the followers of Jesus calling them a holy nation as well!
Together, Jews and Christians are the people of the Book, and we need to act like holy nations. We can choose to stand with the God of Israel. As Christians we can experience the blessings of God if we will stand with Israel. I am thankful for the opportunity to be part of those called by God to be a holy nation.
Today, we have rays of hope, in the midst of the nations coming against Israel, at least three English speaking countries are turning toward standing with Israel – the US under the leadership of Donald Trump, Australia under the leadership of Malcolm Turnbull, and the UK under Theresa May. They are not alone, many leaders are standing with Israel. This is a day of hope. But it is not a time when we should stop praying and standing strong with the God of Israel and the people of Israel.
This year will be a special year — a year of anniversaries – 100 years since [British General] Allenby rode into Jerusalem, 100 years since the Light Horse Brigade triumphed in Beer Sheva, 100 years since the Balfour Declaration, 70 years since the Nov 29 UN vote for partition which opened the way for a Jewish homeland, and 50 years since the re-unification of Jerusalem.
We must celebrate the goodness of God, and the faithfulness of men and women who He used to bring us to this place in history. God used many righteous Gentiles to help bring about the sovereign state of Israel. I am sure it was not easy. I am sure it was not popular. But they stood firm for their beliefs and their actions were used to bring about God’s plans for Israel.
Today, we also have challenges, when most of the world comes against Israel. Just like those righteous Gentiles of 100 years ago, we can stand for the God of Israel! It may not be easy, or popular, but I know that millions of Christians will stand with Israel because we love the God of Israel. Everywhere I travel Christians tell me that they are praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Let us all join them in praying for two things: the shalom (peace) of Jerusalem and the shilem (wholeness) of Jerusalem. We believe that undivided Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the state of Israel. Am Yisrael Chai (the people of Israel live!)
Posted on January 26, 2017
Photo Credit: Rebecca J. Brimmer/FaceBook
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