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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Friday, December 15, 2023

Every week, we post seven to ten news stories from Israel with a suggested prayer focus and scripture for each one, guiding readers how to pray for Israel’s most urgent needs. This Prayer Update is also sent to over 18,000 subscribers every Friday by e-mail. Sign up HERE if you would like to receive this Prayer Update by e-mail.

Prayer Focus
Pray for God’s mercy and protection at this time when the global Jewish community faces anti-Semitism unlike anything they have experienced since the Holocaust. Cry out to Him for a move of His Spirit that will cause the nations to repent of their hatred and recognize His chosen ones for who He says they are.


“For you are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth.”

- Deuteronomy 7:6

Prayer Focus
Pray that Israel’s every effort to subdue terrorist organizations in Judea and Samaria will be successful. Pray that the Lord will open the eyes and ears of those in the nations to recognize from these statistics what Israel is actually dealing with. Pray that the violent actions of Palestinian terror organizations will in fact be their ultimate downfall and global support for Israel’s war effort will grow.


The wicked draw the sword and bend their bows to bring down the poor and needy, to slay those whose way is upright;  their sword shall enter their own heart,  and their bows shall be broken.

- Psalm 37:14–15 ESV

Prayer Focus
Praise the Lord for these wonderful testimonies of soldiers who continue in their commitment to save lives even after they have sacrificed their own. Pray for each of these recipients to have a quick and solid recovery, and ask the Lord to empower them to tell their stories often, honoring those whose deaths brought them life.


You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, to the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent.

- Psalm 30:11–12a

Prayer Focus
Thank God for Ambassador Wood’s frank words and his stalwart support for Israel as well as the support of other nations. Pray that many will come to recognize the foolishness of expecting Israel to dismantle Hamas while at the same time demanding a settlement of the conflict. Pray that Israel will remain resolute and cry out to God for a swift and complete victory.


The LORD gave them rest all around, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers. And not a man of all their enemies stood against them; the LORD delivered all their enemies into their hand.

- Joshua 21:44

Prayer Focus
Pray that increasing numbers of Gazans will recognize that Israel is not their enemy or the source of their hardships. Cry out that they will realize that it is Hamas that has oppressed them and deprived them of a peaceful and successful existence, that it is Hamas who started this war and forced Israel’s hand. Pray that Israel will find support among those who have suffered under the evil leadership of Hamas for decades.


Do not grant, O LORD, the desires of the wicked; do not further his wicked scheme, lest they be exalted. As for the head of those who surround me, let the evil of their lips cover them; let burning coals fall upon them; let them be cast into the fire, into deep pits, that they rise not up again.

- Psalm 140:8–10

Prayer Focus
Ask the Lord to give Israeli leaders the exact strategy they need to deal with this situation successfully. Pray that an agreement will be reached that will satisfy the demands of both sides while leaving no room for Hezbollah to attack Israel with impunity. Pray also that Israel will take whatever action necessary to sever Hezbollah’s connection to Iran.


And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him.

- Daniel 2:21–22

Prayer Focus
Praise the Lord for the IDF’s commitment to fastidiously incriminating every operation so that they are “sure before they open fire,” even though such a delay can sometimes give the enemy an advantage. Pray that the Lord will bless every member of the IDF with courage, alertness and safety as they make every effort to avoid harming noncombatants.


Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

- Psalm 82:3–4 NIV

Prayer Focus
As these statistics speak of the success of Palestinian leadership’s campaign of lies and deceit, remind the Lord that only through divine intervention will this vile indoctrination be erased and replaced with truth. Cry out to Him for a post-war strategy that will allow Israel to undo decades of brainwashing.


“There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who stirs up sows discord among brothers.”

- Proverbs 6:16–19 ESV

Prayer Focus
Beseech the Lord even though the current virulent anti-Semitism is so outrageous and so deeply imbedded in society that the idea of overcoming it with truth and education to love rather than hate seems impossible, we believe that nothing is impossible with Him. Cry out to Him to reverse the flood of hatred that is engulfing the world and bring instead rivers of peace and brotherly love. Plead with the Lord for a change in the hearts of men.


Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

- Isaiah 5:20–21