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‘Let Us Go Forward Together!’

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Every week, we post seven to ten news stories from Israel with a suggested prayer focus and scripture for each one, guiding readers how to pray for Israel’s most urgent needs. This Prayer Update is also sent to over 18,000 subscribers every Friday by e-mail. Sign up HERE if you would like to receive this Prayer Update by e-mail.

Iran Attacked; Now What?

by Joshua Spurlock ~ Middle East Update

Balistic missiles in the sky above Jerusalem

Wednesday, 2 October 2024 | Iran fired 181 missiles at Israel on Tuesday—and now Israel has their “greatest opportunity” to “fatally cripple” the Iranian regime in response, according to former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. Posting to X (formerly Twitter) just hours after Israel and its allies successfully defended against the second massive Iranian attack in six months, Bennett explicitly identified Iran’s nuclear program as a proposed target in Israel’s counterstrike.

“Israel has now its greatest opportunity in 50 years, to change the face of the Middle East,” wrote Bennett, who was Israel’s Prime Minister for a year ending in 2022. “The leadership of Iran, which used to be good at chess, made a terrible mistake this evening. We must act *now* to destroy Iran’s nuclear program, its central energy facilities, and to fatally cripple this terrorist regime.”

Bennett’s forceful recommendation comes as current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Iran “will pay” for the attack and even the United States was issuing stronger rhetoric than normal. After deferring repeatedly to outline the American view on how Israel should respond, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Tuesday was asked if the “severe consequences” the US had promised Iran if Tehran attacked Israel directly would be stronger than just sanctions.

“We have made clear that there will be consequences—severe consequences—for this attack, and we will work with Israel to make that the case,” said Sullivan to reporters in comments published to the White House website.

Meanwhile, Bennett called for a direct blow to the Iranian regime, which he likened to an octopus with terrorist organizations for tentacles. He noted two key organizational “tentacles”—Hamas and Hezbollah—have been set back so much by Israel in the last year’s worth of conflict that “Iran stands exposed.”

Wrote Bennett, “The octopus’s tentacles are temporarily paralysed—now comes the head… We can grant the Iranian people an opportunity to rise up and shake off the regime that tyrannizes its women and daughters. We have the justification. We have the tools.”

Bennett later listed out a litany of attacks Iran and its terror allies have made on Israel since the terror massacre on October 7 last year, when Iran-sponsored Hamas murdered roughly 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped hundreds. Hezbollah then joined with rocket attacks of their own, along with terror proxies and Iranian allies from four other fronts.

“Over this last terrible year, Iranian tentacles murdered our families. Raped our daughters. Kidnapped our children. Ransacked our towns. Burned our fields. Fired on our ships. Terrorized children in Kiryat Shmona, Kfar Aza, and Sderot. Emptied out whole regions of our land. Humiliated us,” said Bennett.

“Now is the moment… There are times when history knocks at our door, and we must open it. This opportunity must not be missed.”

Based on what Netanyahu said on Tuesday, it sounds like he won’t. “This evening, Iran made a big mistake—and it will pay for it,” said the Israeli leader in his comments at Tuesday night’s security cabinet meeting, translated and published by Israel.

“The regime in Tehran does not understand our determination to defend ourselves and to exact a price from our enemies… They will. We will keep to the rule we have determined: Whoever attacks us—we attack them.”

Source: (This article was originally published by the Middle East Update on October 1, 2024. Time-related language has been modified to reflect our republication today.)

Photo Credit: Eden Verbeten/bridgesforpeace.com

Prayer Focus
Bless the Lord for His hand of protection over Israel! Following the largest ballistic missile attack in history, pray for supernatural guidance and wisdom for all the decision-makers in Israel, especially PM Netanyahu, as they navigate a strategy going forward. At the same time, ask the Lord to remind Israel not to rely on their own strength but to trust in His word and protection in every decision they make.


Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

- Proverbs 3:5–6

Israel Fights on Behalf of the Western World

by Ben-Dror Yemini ~ Ynetnews

IDF soldiers suit up for the battlefield.

Monday, 30 September 2024 | The US government wants peace and quiet, we all do. The US administration does not wish for an escalation, but we live in the Middle East. Hamas and Hezbollah are armed with Qatari money, Iranian weapons and Western support. University campuses are controlled by the progressive pro-terror crowd, and Israel’s allies imposed sanctions on Israel by delaying or banning arms exports during wartime. At this time, any action against Israel actually encourages terrorism.

After nearly a year of restraint, Israel did the right thing because it cannot afford to suffer from the blindness the the free world suffers from, and not just the media and academia. No major Western media outlet mentioned the fact that the Shiite terror organizations, like the Sunni, have declared their desire to take over the world. In June, the head of Hezbollah’s foreign relations said that “Israel is only a means to an end. The real goal is the war with America.”

They mean every word. Hezbollah has been carrying out deadly terrorist attacks for over four decades. In April 1983, Hezbollah attacked the US embassy in Lebanon and 63 people were killed. In October 1983, Hezbollah bombed the US Marine barracks in Beirut, which killed 241 US service members. Hezbollah is not limited to killing only Westerners, it has also killed countless Muslims. During the Syrian Civil War, 600,000 people were killed and many were killed by Hezbollah.

Most Western newspapers will overlook Hezbollah’s bloody past, especially when they can point a blaming finger at Israel, accusing it of a fictional genocide. The media outlets may even support the pro-Hezbollah rallies by covering them in seemingly Western strongholds such as New York.

Israel cannot fold as the Americans did. Israel’s main option is to undermine the Iranian doctrine and the chokehold it is trying to establish around Israel. Hamas was defeated, even if it is still able to attack Israel. The Houthis are mostly a nuisance, and far from a real threat. The real threat is Hezbollah which has received the worst blows in its history. The Iranian investment of billions in Hezbollah has already gone down the drain. Israel reestablished its power of deterrence, which was understandably damaged on October 7.

The big question is whether the Western countries will interfere. Lebanon is close to the heart of France. But France, which prevented Israel from participating in one of the most important arms exhibitions in the world, is helping Hezbollah. The American use of “Don’t!” against Israel in Lebanon also helped Hezbollah. Israel still needs military aid and Hezbollah still has bunkers filled to the brim with rockets.

This conflict will take time and a diplomatic settlement is still on the table. However, whoever wants peace must keep striking at Hezbollah while threatening Khark Island, Iran’s oil export source. Like the Israeli Air Force said, “Israel can reach anywhere in Iran.”

President Joe Biden commended the assassination of Hezbollah’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah. “Hassan Nasrallah and the terrorist group he led, Hezbollah, were responsible for killing hundreds of Americans over a four-decade reign of terror.  His death from an Israeli airstrike is a measure of justice for his many victims, including thousands of Americans, Israelis and Lebanese civilians,” The US president said on Saturday.

Precisely now, after the renewal of deterrence, Netanyahu can announce that Israel offers an immediate ceasefire, which depends on Hezbollah complying with UN Security Council Resolutions 1701 and 1559 which instruct Hezbollah to retreat to the north of the Litani River and lay down its arms respectively. Israel has the legitimacy to demand the immediate implementation. Should Hezbollah refuse, Israel will capitalize on the legitimacy to disarm Hezbollah.

If anyone had doubts that Israel could do it, the doubts have disappeared in the last two weeks. Hezbollah led Lebanon to bankruptcy and crisis. This is an opportunity to revive the country. It feels good that Israel is right and it’s great that we are finally winning. To reach complete victory, we must be smart too.

Source: (Excerpt of an article originally published by Ynetnews on September 29, 2024. Time-related language has been modified to reflect our republication today. See original article at this link.)

Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit photographer/Wikimedia.org

Photo License: Wikimedia

Prayer Focus
Praise the Lord for Israel's commitment to standing on the frontlines, fighting as the buffer against radicalism and the Judeo¬–Christian values of the the Western world. Pray for continued strength and encouragement for Israel as they stand firm in their mission to protect their people and uphold peace.


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

- Joshua 1:9

Israel Launches Limited Ground Operation in Southern Lebanon

by Andrew Bernard ~ JNS

An Israeli tank patrols near the Israeli border with Lebanon.

Tuesday, 1 October 2024 | The Israel Defense Forces [IDF] announced on Monday that ground forces have begun to execute “limited, localized and targeted raids” against Hezbollah inside Lebanon.

“In accordance with the decision of the political echelon, a few hours ago, the IDF began limited, localized and targeted ground raids based on precise intelligence against Hezbollah terrorist targets and infrastructure in Southern Lebanon,” the IDF stated. “These targets are located in villages close to the border and pose an immediate threat to Israeli communities in northern Israel.”

“The IDF is operating according to a methodical plan set out by the General Staff and the Northern Command, which IDF soldiers have trained and prepared for in recent months,” the Israeli military added.

The ground operations and associated Israeli airstrikes Monday inside the confines of Beirut proper are the largest Israeli military operation in Lebanon since the end of the 2006 Israel–Hezbollah war.

The US State Department said on Monday that Israel had informed Washington that it would conduct “limited” military ground operations inside Lebanon.

US President Joe Biden suggested at a press conference earlier in the day that he was opposed to Israel’s plans.

“I’m comfortable with them stopping,” Biden said. “We should have a ceasefire now.”

Source: (This article was originally published by the Jewish News Syndicate on September 30, 2024. Time-related language has been modified to reflect our republication today. See original article at this link.)

Photo Credit: Ayal Margolin/Flash90/jns.org

Prayer Focus
Bless the IDF with prayers for a hedge of protection over every soldier’s heart, mind, and soul as they enter southern Lebanon. Ask the Lord to hide them from the enemy’s eyes, give them strength and comfort their loved ones waiting for their return.


Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

- Psalm 121:4

Shana Tovah (“Happy New Year”) from Bridges for Peace

by Ilse Strauss

Israelis dip apples into honey for Rosh HaShanah to welcome a sweet New Year (illustrative).

Wednesday, 2 October 2024 | Sunset tonight ushers in Rosh HaShanah, which in Hebrew means “head of the year.” It marks the beginning of the year 5785 on the Jewish calendar.

Although Israel recognizes the Gregorian calendar, the biblical festivals and holidays are determined by the calendar we read about in the Scriptures. Rosh HaShanah is no different. The two-day feast is celebrated on the first and second day of the seventh month, the month of Tishrei.

Rosh HaShanah is also known as the Feast of Trumpets or Yom HaTeruah (the Day of the Blowing). The reason for these names is found in God’s instructions to Moses regarding this feast in Leviticus 23:23–24, “Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Speak to the children of Israel, saying: “In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a sabbath-rest, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation.”’”

Today, thousands of years later, the children of Israel remain true to God’s instructions. On Rosh HaShanah, the echo of the shofar or ram’s horn is heard throughout the Land of Israel. Sounding the shofar issues a clarion call for the season and signifies the peoples’ recognition of the Kingship of God.

There is, however, an added significance to Rosh HaShanah. The festival signals the start of the holiest time of the year on the Jewish calendar.

“The 10 days between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) are called the 10 Days of Awe,” explains Rev. Rebecca J. Brimmer, international president of Bridges for Peace. “This 10-day period is typically a time of solemn introspection, a time of searching your soul and to set things right between you and God, as well as your fellow man.”

Rosh HaShanah is traditionally celebrated as the Jewish New Year. We find the reason in the Mishnah, which is the first written recording of Jewish tradition. “The first of Tishrei is the beginning of the year as regards [the calculation of] years, of the shmitah cycle (seventh year of allowing the earth to rest), the yovel (Jublilee) cycle, for planting [trees] and for produce” (Rosh HaShanah 1:1).

Author and Rabbi Arthur Waskow clarifies further: “This is then the new year for learning how a human being can turn toward God. Perhaps it is the head of the year because the head is raised toward heaven, away from the earth—while Pesach [Passover] celebrates the more earthly liberation, the freedom of our bodies [from slavery in Egypt].”

New Year’s Day celebrations on December 31 in the secular West are often marked by lavish parties and merriment. The Hebrew New Year is different. The atmosphere of Rosh HaShanah is one of reverence and devotion, described by some as “subdued joyousness.”

“As I hear the sounds of the shofar at Rosh HaShanah, I reflect on these thoughts and feel at one with the Jewish people,” Brimmer says. “I find myself examining my heart to see if there is anything I need to correct. Are there relationships that need mending? What is God speaking to me about? What do I need to concentrate on to become the woman that God has planned me to be?”

For a typical Rosh HaShanah feast, tables are laden with an abundance of food, signifying the hope for fruitfulness and prosperity in the year to come. There are apples dipped in honey to symbolize the desire for a sweet new year. Fish, cooked with its head still attached to suggest the head of the year, is often served as the main dish. Round foods are also a firm favorite at all festival tables to represent the cycle of the year.

The past year of 5784 on the Jewish calendar has arguably been one of the hardest for the people of Israel. October 7—the most brutal massacre in Jewish history since the end of the Holocaust—occurred during the first weeks of 5784. For the next 12 months, the people of Israel waged a war against evil in Gaza, fighting on the frontlines on behalf of the rest of the free world in a battle between light and darkness.

It has been a year of trauma, loss, agony, anger, sorrow, tragedies, miracles, triumphs, unparalleled heroism and just about every other emotion imaginable. Thousands of families mourn loved ones who will not sit at the Rosh HaShanah table this year. And 101 families wait in agony for word of their loved ones still held hostage in Gaza. Moreover, over the past year, baseless accusations on the world stage has turned the international community against the Jewish people. Antisemitism is at an all-time high. World bodies like the United Nations, the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice stand at the ready with new ludicrous rulings and resolutions that seek to rewrite history.

Yet Israel still steps into 5785 with hope. Thanks to the ingenuity of Israel’s intelligence and defense establishment, what seemed like an inevitable war with Hezbollah just two weeks ago, has been deescalated. And Israel continues to gain ground against Hamas in Gaza. This is good news indeed, but ultimately not the source of Israel’s hope.

Like their forefathers before them, Israel continues to lift their eyes to the hills, and continues to reach the same conclusion about the source of their strength. “My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep,” (Ps. 121:2–4).

From Jerusalem—the eternal capital of Israel and the Jewish people, from the city of our God and the city of the great King (Ps. 48:1–2)—Bridges for Peace wishes you and your family chag sameach (a happy holiday) in the same way loved ones in Israel greet one another on Rosh HaShana: “L’shanah tovah tichatevu” (May you be inscribed for a good year.)

Please note that our Bridges for Peace offices will be closed on Thursday and Friday in celebration of the holiday. We will resume normal operations on Monday, October 7.

Source: (Bridges for Peace, October 2, 2024)

Photo Credit: Joshua Bousel/flickr.com

Photo License: Flickr

Prayer Focus
Israel has weathered this last year of hardship, loss and war by God’s never-ending grace. As Israel steps into a new year, pray for blessings to shower this Land for a year of victory and the beginning of healing. Ask that Israel will find ultimate shalom (peace) under His wings as they step into this new season.


He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

- Psalm 91:4

Palestinian Leader Claims Temple Mount as ‘Exclusive Property of Muslims’

by Mike Wagenheim ~ JNS

Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas speaks during a UNGA meeting.

Friday, 26 September 2024 | In an address to the UN General Assembly [UNGA] on Thursday morning, Palestinian Authority [PA] leader Mahmoud Abbas called the holiest Jewish site—the Temple Mount in Jerusalem—the “exclusive property of Muslims” and referred to Israel as a “terrorist state” that does not deserve membership in the UN.

Abbas, whose presidential mandate expired in 2009–the last time PA elections were held–told those watching that “the world is responsible” for what he asserted were crimes against humanity taking place in the Gaza Strip amid Israel’s defensive war against Hamas.

He claimed that Israel “took advantage of what happened” on October 7, when Hamas launched a massive assault in southern Israel—murdering, raping and torturing 1,200 people and taking some 250 others hostage—to “launch a genocide” in the Gaza Strip. Abbas also said Israel has just launched a second “war of genocide” in Lebanon, calling into question what kind of hostilities the Jewish state could be involved in that wouldn’t qualify as one.

He also referred to Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir as a terrorist for calling for a Third Temple to be built on the mount.

Abbas saved a heavy dose of criticism for the Biden administration. He said he “regrets” that the White House “furnished Israel with deadly weapons it used to kill thousands of innocent civilians” while utilizing its veto power in the UN Security Council three times to thwart efforts to force a ceasefire on Israel with no guarantee that its hostages would be released from Gaza.

“As long as the US is supporting” Israel, posed Abbas, “why not keep going?”

He also took Washington to task for denying the Palestinians full membership in the UN. “We don’t deserve membership in the eyes of America,” he stated. “I don’t understand.”

Abbas did acknowledge protesters across America who “are marching in the streets.” Many of them have called for the end of Israel, including its inhabitants, and have expressed explicit support for terror groups; have harassed Jews verbally and physically; and have disrupted Jewish life, including on college campuses.

“We are grateful to them,” said Abbas.

He laid out a 12-step laundry list of requests and demands for a “day-after” scenario, referring to the end of the war against Hamas and end of the terror group’s governance of Gaza. Those measures have all been laid out in one form or another in various public statements by the PA, the UN and other international officials.

On that list was “an end to military aggressions by terrorist settlers” in Judea and Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem.

Abbas said he would be submitting a request to the UNGA regarding what he said was Israel’s lack of qualification to hold UN membership. His citation for such a claim was unclear, as he referred to Israel’s acceptance of the 1947 UN Partition Plan, but provisions he said Israel has never accepted or implemented.

He also said that he would ask the world body to pass a resolution to ensure that Israel does not obstruct a visit by Abbas to the Gaza Strip, which he says he is trying to arrange.

Abbas did not fall back on Holocaust denial or revisionism—a staple of previous UNGA speeches.

Israel sent what appeared to be a staffer from its UN mission to attend the speech. Danny Danon, Israeli Ambassador to the UN released a statement, pointing out that Abbas’s 26-minute speech contained no mention of Hamas.

“Since the massacre of October 7, Abbas has failed to condemn Hamas for their crimes against humanity,” Danon wrote. “The PA under his leadership pays salaries to terrorists who kill Israelis: Whoever kills more, Abbas pays him more. Only when he stands on the UN platform does he talk about a peaceful solution.”

Danon said the PA leader’s legacy “is one of chronic weakness in the face of terrorism and hatred.”

Source: (This article was originally published by the Jewish News Syndicate on September 26, 2024. Time-related language has been modified to reflect our republication today. See original article at this link.)

Photo Credit: Michael M. Santiago/Getty Image/jns.org

Prayer Focus
Pray for the eyes of the world to be opened to the deception and blatant revision of history regarding the Temple Mount, and that the rightful significance of this holy site to both Christians and Jews is recognized and preserved.


“On that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down, and repair its damages; I will raise up its ruins, and rebuild it as in the days of old.

- Amos 9:11

Hamas Murders Gazan Mother for Refusing to Hand Over Aid Funds to Terror Group

by Einav Halabi ~ Ynetnews

Hamas murdered a woman refusing to hand over humanitarian funds (illustrative).

Tuesday, 1 October 2024 | Hamas terrorists on Thursday killed Islam Hijazi—program director of the Heal Palestine organization working to medically support the Strip—near a hospital in Khan Younis after she refused to hand charity funds she collected over to the terror group.

According to eyewitnesses, three masked Hamas terrorists stopped Hijazi’s car Thursday overnight and fired around 90 bullets at her while she was on her way to visit patients. Gazan reports noted that the motive for the murder was Hamas operatives’ takeover of large portions of the aid and funds entering the Strip via donations.

“Islam was a mother of two young children, a humane woman with the highest level of ethics and professionalism. She stayed in Gaza intentionally to help others. She always said, ‘I’m staying here to help our people,'” The NGO said in a statement following the murder.

Iyad Khader, a Gaza resident, posted on social media following the murder, writing, “A mafia has recently been established in the southern part of the Strip to loot, kill, steal and terrorize the residents. War must declare war on them immediately.”

“This isn’t the first of such a case,” said Hussein Jamal, a political researcher from Gaza. “The truth is that civilians are murdered daily and no one talks about it. Hijazi was unfortunately well-known; otherwise, no one would have known the circumstances or details of her death.”

Source: (This article was originally published by Ynetnews on September 27, 2024. Time-related language has been modified to reflect our republication today. See original article at this link.)

Source: Berna Tosun/Pexeles.com

Photo License: Pexeles

Prayer Focus
Pray that the true nature of oppression faced by the Palestinian people—specifically recognizing Hamas as the real oppressor—be made clear on the international stage. Ask God to lift the blindness from the eyes of world leaders and judges, granting them the clarity to see the injustices being perpetrated by Hamas. Cry out for the people of Gaza, that God will lift the joke of oppression that Hamas has placed on them.


The LORD opens the eyes of the blind; the LORD raises those who are bowed down; the LORD loves the righteous…but the way of the wicked He turns upside down.

- Psalm 146:8–9b

Stranger than Fiction: Mossad Infiltrates Iranian Unit Established to Spy on Israel

by Itamar Eichner ~ Ynetnews

The Mossad logo

Tuesday, 1 October 2024 | The former president of Iran made an amazing claim in an interview Monday with the CNN network in Turkey. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Tehran established a unit meant to thwart the operations of Israel’s Mossad [Israeli intelligence agency], and it later became clear to them that the man who headed it was a Mossad agent.

Ahmadinejad said that in 2021 it became clear to them that the most senior person in the country whose job it was to deal with Israel’s intelligence operations in Iran was a Mossad agent.

“Israel organized complex operations inside Iran. They could easily obtain information. In Iran they are still silent about this. The man who was in charge of the unit in Iran against Israel was an Israeli agent,” he said.

And he, according to Ahmadinejad, was not the only one. Besides the head of the Iranian intelligence unit, another 20 members of that unit turned out to be Mossad agents. Ahmadinejad claimed that they were the ones who managed to steal the Iranian nuclear documents in 2018, and were also responsible for the elimination of Iranian nuclear scientists.

Ahmadinejad was the president of Iran until 2013. He was succeeded by Hassan Rouhani, and his former chief of staff—former intelligence minister Ali Younesi—admitted in an interview in 2022: “The Mossad has infiltrated many government departments in the last 10 years, to such a degree that all the country’s top officials should fear for their lives.”

Source: (This article was originally published by Ynetnews on September 30, 2024. Time-related language has been modified to reflect our republication today. See original article at this link.)

Photo Credit: Abw200/Wikimedia.org

Photo License: Wikimedia

Prayer Focus
Thank God for granting Israel’s intelligence community the ability and open doors to successfully infiltrate the enemy’s ranks. Pray for Israel's continued favor and supernatural insight to uncover the enemy’s wicked plans to dismantle them before they can come to fruition.


The wicked plots against the just, and gnashes at him with his teeth. The LORD laughs at him, for He sees that his day is coming.

- Psalm 37:12–13

Israel Wins Big at Informatics Olympiad—Then Gets Banned from Future Participation

by Tamar Trabelsi-Hadad ~ Ynetnews

Friday, 26 September 2024 | Four Israeli high school students competed remotely in the International Olympiad in Informatics [IOI] held earlier this month in Egypt and won three gold medals and a bronze medal, the best achievement ever for an Israeli team.

Following the end of the competition, the IOI committee decided that next year Israel will not be able to participate as a country, but only be able to send four representatives who will compete under the Olympiad flag.

The committee’s decision becomes the first international sanctions against Israel since the start of the war. The Ministry of Education hastened to clarify this  Wednesday morning that this “will not happen.”

The IOI was held this year in Alexandria, Egypt. Due to the security situation, the Israeli team was forced to compete remotely, and won three gold medals and one bronze medal. With its medal haul Israel placed second among 94 countries, Israel’s best achievement since its first participation in the Olympiad in 1996.

In the statement delivered at the end of the Olympiad, the IOI announced that next year Israel will no longer be able to participate as a country in the competition. “This message is being sent to provide an update on a significant decision of the General Assembly of the IOI,” wrote the president of the Olympiad, Sun Teck Tan.

“Members of the community requested that the IOI respond to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza caused by the ongoing conflict. During IOI 2024, the General Assembly debated many options at length. The question about what action to take, if any, was not taken lightly. The result was a vote to sanction Israel for its role in the crisis. Over two thirds of the delegations voted in favour of this action. Specifically, the action means that beginning in 2025, Israel will not be recognized as a participating delegation at IOI, but four contestants from Israel may still participate under the IOI flag,” he wrote. “There will continue to be reflection and debate about the mission of the IOI and its connection to war and other international disputes.”

The International Olympic Committee in athletics made a similar decision against Russia and Belarus following the invasion of Ukraine. A few Russian and Belarusian athletes did participate in the Olympic Games in Paris and the Paralympic Games held after them, but under the flags of the International Olympic Committee and the Paralympic Committee.

In recent months, the Palestinian Authority has pushed for the imposition of sanctions on Israel in soccer, and French lawmakers had called for Israel’s exclusion from the Olympic Games in Paris and were rejected. Last week, the UN General Assembly approved a proposal for an arms embargo against Israel and the imposition of sanctions on it.

The Ministry of Education responded to the decision of the IOI, saying that “Israel will not be able to participate in the competition next year, but individually and not as an Israeli delegation under the Israeli flag? Not going to happen! The Israeli team will carry the Israeli flag proudly on the way to many more victories and international achievements. Nothing will not change this. The ministry is examining, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, decisive measures on the issue.”

The Israeli team included Daniel Weber, in the 12th grade at Ben Zvi High School in Kiryat Ono, who won gold and was ranked fourth in the world (the first Israeli with three gold medals in the competition and the first Israeli to win gold in two science Olympiads, mathematics and computer science, in the same year); Alon Tanai, a 12th grader at De-Shalit High School in Rehovot who won gold, and Itamar Nir, also a 12th grader at De-Shalit High School, who won a bronze.

Some 370 competitors from 94 countries around the world took part in the Olympiad. It included two days of competition, each lasting five hours, and the students were required to solve three algorithmic questions, which require thinking outside the box. They had to write code, which would lead to a solution. The Israelis competed remotely. Each competitor sat in a separate position, was monitored, the computer screens were recorded and the competitors were filmed while working.

Source: (This article was originally published by Ynetnews on September 25, 2024. Time-related language has been modified to reflect our republication today. See original article at this link.)

Photo Credit: Zachi Evenor/Wikimedia.org

Photo License: Wikimedia

Prayer Focus
Pray that this first boycott against Israel will also be the last. Ask God to prevent the hypocrisy of selective inclusivity from spreading to other areas of competition, sports and entertainment.


“No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is from Me,” says the LORD.

- Isaiah 54:17

Spain Gears up to Celebrate October 7 Hamas Massacre

by Itamar Eichner ~ Ynetnews

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez during a meeting with the president of the PA, Mahmoud Abbas, in 2023.

Friday, 26 September 2024 | Several Spanish organizations, some funded by Iran, are set to hold events across the country on October 6 and 7 to celebrate Hamas’s attack on Israel. Spain’s postal workers union decided to go on Strike on October 9 to protest “Israeli aggression,” while failing to mention the massacre that took place across southern Israel before the war began.

Israel’s embassy in Madrid has appealed to the relevant Spanish authorities to cancel a planned parade by the Masar Badil organization, affiliated with Hamas, celebrating Hamas’s atrocities in the city. Despite the embassy’s efforts, the parade is still set to take place.

Senior officials noted that the embassy is tirelessly working to counter the Palestinian narrative and ensure Israel’s voice is heard — both among official figures in the government and opposition and with the Spanish public.

Meanwhile, Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas was received with full honors in Spain this week, including in a meeting with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. Sanchez promised that a bilateral meeting between Spain and the PA would take place soon following a major international conference held nearly two weeks ago with foreign ministers from Arab and European countries participating aimed at promoting the two-state solution.

The only country not invited to the event was Israel, which is perceived as irrelevant to the process by the current Spanish government. The Foreign Ministry chose to avoid a direct attack on Spain and instead focused criticism on the European Union’s Foreign Affairs Chief Josep Borrell, who’s due to end his term in late October.

Israel itself seems largely absent from the Spanish arena amid the anti-Israel sentiment present there and its voice is barely heard. It’s not that Israel lacks friends in Spain or people willing to help, but with the embassy operating without an ambassador since May, following Spain’s recognition of a Palestinian state, bringing Israel’s perspective to the media or initiating meetings with senior Spanish officials has hit snags.

Sources familiar with Israel-Spain relations say that inaction only strengthens the anti-Israel stance and creates the impression that Israel has given up on Spain. Israel’s ambassador to Spain Rodica Radian, who was recalled in May, has since retired. Her replacement, Zvi Vapni, is waiting for the government to decide if and when he should leave to take up his post.

Spain isn’t only a popular tourist destination for Israelis, but also the fourth-largest economy in the European Union. Its economy is thriving, and it has maintained significant business and economic ties with Israel which have been mutually beneficial but are now at risk due to the increasingly hostile stance in the country.

“Israel’s frustration with Spain’s recent conduct is understandable and justified, but now is the time to resume action, send an ambassador back to Madrid and take a firm and aggressive stance to counter the ongoing deterioration in relations. We must not lose Spain, and to prevent that, we need to operate at full capacity in the country,” sources said.

Source: (This article was originally published by Ynetnews on September 26, 2024. Time-related language has been modified to reflect our republication today. See original article at this link.)

Photo Credit: Ministry of the Presidency. Government of Spain/Wikimedia.org

Photo License: Wikimedia

Prayer Focus
Pray that the demonic lies urging celebration of violence and death would be dismantled—in Spain and everywhere around the world where such a travesty is planned. Cry out for all nations to turn from calling evil good, and pray that Israel continues to cherish life in the face of hatred!


Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

- Isaiah 5:20